Jul 20, 2023 18:07
Hey @AlexYoucis, if you don't mind I have a question: Why does (in general) gluing together two extensions give an extension? After all, in general equalisers don't preserve right exactness (and it seems like in our case something similar is happening with G(k) not surjecting onto Z/pZ(k))
Jul 16, 2023 20:18
Alright, keep me updated
Jul 16, 2023 20:15
Not necessarily that G isn't constructed like that (I really don't have enough expertise in cohomology and stacks to say anything definitevely) maybe just the way it's glued should be different? I dont know. I'm suggesting that it may be good to see wheter the set G(k), as computed by the sheaf condition it must satisfy, has the necessary cardinality of 5.
Jul 16, 2023 20:12
What comes before the "Exercise" section in the answer you posted
Jul 16, 2023 20:11
In the construction of $G$ by gluing two groups over an automorphism
Jul 16, 2023 19:56
Aside from being a nice sanity check, I just realized that in the solution we now tried the case i=0 actually gives the ring k. So G(k) is trivial, which is also what I get when I try to compute the equaliser sequence, So maybe the mistake all along was actually with the abstract construsction of G itself?
Jul 16, 2023 19:51
@AlexYoucis Just a question for sanity check, the functor of points G, as a functor to sets, should be a sheaf in the fpqc site, right? That means we should at the very least have an equaliser sequence of sets which should give card(G(k))=5, do we have that here?
Jul 16, 2023 19:30
Alright, thank you! Ping me if you find out where the error lies
Jul 16, 2023 19:28
"so it reduces to show that for p_n(X)Y^n to satisfy the necessary equality condition" *
Jul 16, 2023 19:28
My argument for each coordinate ring being a field is as follows: we can write \Sigma c_nm * Y^n X^m as a sum of single variable polynomials \Sigma p_n(X)Y^n, there cant be an cancellations happening between different polynomials due to a different Y^n exponenet, so it reduces to show that for p_n(X)Y^n to satisfy the necessary, we must have p_n(X) a monomial, which is immediate
Jul 16, 2023 19:25
Well, it should certainly be a product right? As the elements of the form (0,...1,...0) lie in the algebra. And for i=1 we have the element XY in the ring, with (XY)^p = a.
Jul 16, 2023 19:12
Yea, that would be helpful
Jul 16, 2023 18:53
For example for i=1 this is just the polynomial ring in the variable XY, and we have (XY)^p=a, so this is just the field extension given by adjoining a pth root of a
Jul 16, 2023 18:52
More specifically, writing f_i = \Sigma c_nm * Y^n X^m, where the summation runs for n,m in (Z/pZ)^2, we see that we must have m=ni mod p, which means that the ring associated to each coordinate is p dimensional and is generated by a monomial of the form XY^k for k s.t ki=m mod p
Jul 16, 2023 18:49
@AlexYoucis I am running into the same problem as before, which is that we get a product of field extensions. More specific
Jul 16, 2023 18:25
Yea, I caught that too, no worries
Jul 16, 2023 17:44
Jul 16, 2023 17:42
Alright, I'll try working it out
Jul 16, 2023 17:41
Though it may be more convenient in this case to use the generator S/T
Jul 16, 2023 17:40
Yea, I think this looks more reasonable
Jul 16, 2023 17:38
Jul 16, 2023 17:36
wait... what are the two coprojection maps in this case?
Jul 16, 2023 17:34
p root of a*
Jul 16, 2023 17:34
In the old solution it was T/S, right? (identifying S^p with the p of a)
Jul 16, 2023 17:31
like the one from Z/pZ to \mu_p
Jul 16, 2023 17:31
What would be the group automorphism over $k[T,S]/(T^p-a,S^p-a)$ in this case?
Jul 16, 2023 17:29
Oh, I think I see it now... So like we treated the extension $\sqrt([p]{a}) as fixed which was wrong as the second projection isn't a map over this copy of the extension, is that right?
Jul 16, 2023 17:26
Alright, I'm on one too. So you think the problem comes from wrong gluing?
Jul 16, 2023 17:17
Hey, I am sorry but I have one more thing that bugs me... Isn't the definition we arrived at for $\mathscr{O}(G)$ just a product of fields? Because $f_i(x_i)$ has no $T$ factor in any monomial, all the terms of exponent $1$ up to $p-1$ must vanish for the equality to hold, which would mean $f_i$ lies in $k(\sqrt[p]{a})$. (And of course, we can't have $G$ be a product of fields as then it would have no k points)
Jul 16, 2023 17:17
Thank you! This helped a lot, I did the calculations myself too and we got the same answer so it's probably fine. I only have one small question however: why is the multiplication defined by $x_i^r=x_{ir}$? Wouldn't the product be self contained in each coordinate?
Jul 16, 2023 17:17
Wonderful Answer! Thank you very much, your explanation of the use of cohomology was very illuminating and clear, and the answer gave me quite a bit to think about (and will likely give me even more as I'll progress through the book). I've tried to work on the exercise you gave at the end, but I'm finding it quite challenging (which mainly shows that I need more experience with sites and stacks haha :) ). To be more specific, I'm not quite famillar yet with gluing schemes over the fpqc (or any non zariski) site. Some extra help would be appreciated.