Nov 29, 2024 07:58
I would question why the exosceleton uses a constant 5kW? Are the soldiers bending steel beams the whole day? As I understand the article you linked, thats about the max energy usage, not the average. Idle (as in, just walking around) energy usage should be a few 100W at max. Soldiers typically spend most of the day doing nothing. And then maybe a burst of action.
Oct 29, 2024 19:52
I feel there would be an immediate and clear effect of that change, so also a kind of objective answer (as far as an answer on this stack can be). 10x bigger batteries for everything else (price, weight etc) the same? You get cheap electric cars with batteries only 1/10 of the current size. Cities will be even more clogged than today but with better air quality and less noise. I don't really get why this got closed.
Aug 2, 2024 19:32
I dont think Island nations with that kind of economy cannot exist in a vaccum, either they will be much poorer, or have extensive trade networks that can potentially make them ludicrously rich. Think Dutch East India Company. Maybe thats what they are fighting about? That would also totally change the amount of resources they can throw at shipbuilding.
Feb 2, 2024 20:13
@GeorgPatscheider Fossil fuels are cheap and convenient, but not irreplaceble. Engines can run on alcohol or wood gas for example. Solar is possible with mirror collectors and steam engines. Wind and water power was used even long before the industrial revoution and only fell partly out of favor.
Aug 16, 2023 17:09
Either you also move all structures and equipment to the future or most people will die. Without a supply chain there is not nearly enough food to sustain all the people. Also, almost any object or building that could case a pollution problem when something goes wrong, WILL cause this problem when unsupervised for 75 years. I doubt this will be a net profit for nature.