
Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
May 5, 2023 20:49
They're capable of remembering faces, and communicating to others in their flock. That's more of an "issue" if your mean to them tho, but yeah its apparently common they're nice back to you if your nice to them
May 5, 2023 20:35
I'm having issues mostly understanding how they do the basis exchange, and some of the example problems I have made to work for it has failed, and I think I may be interpreting a part wrong.
May 5, 2023 20:30
Unrelated, but why I came here, is there someone here who played with spanning tree algorithms and have read the paper "Enhancements Of Spanning Tree Labelling Procedures For Network Optimization" by Richard S. Barr et al?
May 5, 2023 20:23
@XanderHenderson To add to this point as someone who was HS student in the US, the highest our high-school taught was trig - which is common in most poorer schools. In order to learn or ever hear about Calculus, you would've had to taken extracurriculars like Academic Decathlon, or self-study, so it makes sense colleges assume in the US assume you may never have formerly ecounted, or was taught, Calc before college and start there
Apr 25, 2023 03:58
@TedShifrin will do!!!
Apr 25, 2023 03:58
@leslietownes we’ll it’s also the fact that some low rep users sometimes feel intimidated by high rep users, and if there is an error in his answer, there may exist a perceived artificial wall between the low rep user and him that may intimidate them from pointing it out (under the assumption that he knows more and it may not be an error). He wants to invite that discussion and remove any perceived barrier and wants to show that he’s always on the same level
Apr 25, 2023 03:28
he doesn’t like the idea of people upvoting or rating his answers based on merit or score, or be distracted by anything other than math, ie wants to be judge to the same degree as a new user every time, but it was cool watching it all merge
Apr 25, 2023 03:27
@TedShifrin tangential to the whole discussion, but i feel like it may interest you, anon merged all his accounts (artic tern, whacka, blue, runway44) so he’s still active
Apr 25, 2023 03:23
i fixed it afterwards lol, RIP the other person who got pinged and didn’t know why
Apr 25, 2023 03:20
ah sorry, wrong ping
Apr 25, 2023 03:20
@D.C.theIII It’s via the network, but almost all DMCA requests are automated, as a lot of domains that give out materials are seized and the systems track what IP access what - lawyers make a lot of money out of whoever responds to the request. Campuses are required to investigate it tho, and it’s much easier to track because students have to use their school ID to access the network
Apr 25, 2023 03:10
@leslietownes I work the IT department at my university, and used to assistant teach some CS ethics courses, the people who had discussions with students who were caught were us (which we investigated only if it was obvious, or a hard DMCA letter was received), and it was never great and it always sucked. They usually got kicked out of the university after the university passed their info on to the DMCA lawyers
Apr 25, 2023 02:31
@CottonHeadedNinnymuggins there's so much here to unpack in why it's openly available even if it's giving unauthorized content (domain country the site servers are in, site could already be seized and is allowing traffic to monitor who access what with what IP, IP changes per shutdown, and etc), but nonetheless the original discussion was professors helping students get access to books, and by giving sites like those to students it would be equivalent to a professor speedrunning how fast they could get fired
Apr 24, 2023 19:22
it’s a risk vs reward system, and while a majority don’t get caught (or think they haven’t been caught yet) it can be dangerous for those who have a lot to lose (academic enrollment, housing, repayments if the publisher goes after you if they knew, etc)
Apr 24, 2023 19:21
@CottonHeadedNinnymuggins Thing is, while that is great and all, i’m betting that some of the content that is posted there wasn’t done with the authors or publisher’s consent, and the risk of a student getting caught by their university for accessing such resources may be minimal, if they were to get caught the punishment may be astronomical and may ruin their chances at being part of their program any longer
Apr 24, 2023 18:32
What one of my instructors has done is just copy the exercises from books and gives a bibliography at the end of each homework so she doesn't have to make the mook required for the class, but the whole class is her notes, so I feel like that's a good compromise
Apr 24, 2023 18:28
didn't hear if the book was actually used in the class or not, as some professors stress that a books is needed and then it's actually not used in the course, so I would like to think for the least it was hopefully used
Apr 24, 2023 18:26
The only reason that economic point stands out the most to me is that for a lot of low-income students in the US, their financial aid/scholarships start and stop with classes and sometimes rent, and almost always never include book costs. Had a student in one of my classes talk about how they had to sell a lot of their belongings for a book in their Engineering class, made my heart sink into the floor
Apr 24, 2023 18:17
@anak the only economical thing I think most instructors should think about more is costs of books, and if there are books that are so advantageous that need is high for the class regardless of cost, the instructor should offer legal resources to assist students in finding alternative ways to get access to the book. ie. library loans, e-book discounts, MAA waivers, extended financial aid, etc. Math needs more free, open-access materials tbh
Apr 24, 2023 17:27
a lot of these changes usually come from random donations after closed meetings, but nonetheless it’s icky when corporations are trying to dictate what colleges should teach and such - there should be a hard line/separation with corperations and education
Apr 24, 2023 17:23
@XanderHenderson piggy-backing on this, the the public university I work for changed their policies and such after a rather large donation by a national bank, in that they’re changing a classroom to have the “First National” logo in the room on all the equipment as the bank is funding it all, and dictating how the educational space will be used. Previous policies prevented logos of non-university parties being displayed in classrooms, but after one meeting and that donation the policy changed
Nov 24, 2022 05:09
@TedShifrin That's what I'm looking for, thank you! Also, thank you for being a cool and making education more accessible by posting that for free online
Nov 24, 2022 04:01
Planning on avoiding my family this thanksgiving/winter break by instead watching/studying linear algebra Zoom lectures that professors published online similar to this format. My university gave me keycard access to classrooms so I am able to post-shop to mimic a distance-learning classroom so I can try to make the most of it. However, I don't do online classes or lectures, so I have no idea which ones are decent
Nov 8, 2022 20:19
Final thing before peace: transcribing images also makes it easier to find past problems on MSE, which makes it easier for problems to be discovered or striking existing questions as dupes
Nov 8, 2022 19:58
I strongly wish suggested edits where anonymous, bc it would prevent people from rejecting edits based on individuals and not on the content
Nov 8, 2022 19:57
I’m not familiar with the term “jump suit”, like the thing skydivers where?
Nov 8, 2022 19:47
That fair, i’m so used to doing what i mentioned (and adding MathJax to very old posts, as Anon was telling me there was a time Mathjax wasn’t on the site that people would just post raw latex and you had to mentally render it yourself) that i haven’t seen those ones
Nov 8, 2022 19:41
also, bringing in image links into the body is good, because it negates the premise of a risky link click to see an image (clicking links in general when you don’t know where it goes is very risky tbh), which is something you’ll see in old posts, so avoiding that all together is very good
Nov 8, 2022 19:38
(and the passive learning and hidden gems you’ll find is worth it tbh)
Nov 8, 2022 19:35
transcribing images in old posts is good, because eventually imgur will dump old photo links, and when that happens those old posts are going to become invalidated, and also it makes it easier for people to read who use screen readers (like one of my favorite prof who likes to share posts from this site to his students)


For feedback/discussion/requests of Close/Undelete/Reopen/Edit...
Apr 30, 2023 01:56
I'm biased, but it did help me solve an issue I had with understanding a non-linear optimization algorithm I'm playing with - but I did have to fix that link to get the answer I needed, so if it's gonna get deleted, there should be something immediately to replace it since it's a hot question

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Apr 27, 2023 04:12
this is a lot to think on, so I’m gonna stew on it for a while, but thank you for all the advice!
Apr 27, 2023 04:10
@leslietownes that’s actually a really good point, though while I would be teaching this course to three professors, the goal should be grad students, so I may need to focus the audience more towards and that and pretend the professors are kids who just finished non-linear optimization and such - it would be a better structure for the class when i hand over everything to the professors at the end of the semester so it’s immediately reusable and deployable
Apr 27, 2023 04:07
@leslietownes I got a glimpse of this notion from one of my professor's notes before, he had a lot of worked out examples for cases and sub cases of problems of what has been asked before in class such that if/when he messed up he had something to help him in the class-runtime-crunch, but it wasn’t something he shared with students
Apr 27, 2023 03:33
last point: these notes would be something I would give to students while also teaching from in class
Apr 27, 2023 03:30
to follow up on the “plan” point - the professors agreed and such, and are excited for me to do this, but it will in the upcoming Fall, so my own plan is to get much-much ahead of it now and over the summer because then I can address fault points before it all starts bc there’s soo many points the lectures can go wrong if i’m not prepared enough
Apr 27, 2023 03:27
and I was wondering if there exists guides on how to create the above from an instructor’s perspective because I cannot find any
Apr 27, 2023 03:26
@leslietownes So my plan is to teach a “Dynamic Programming” Graduate Seminar to a few professors at my college since the college doesn’t offer it as a course, and I’ve independent studied quite a few subjects to get to that point such that I can (hopefully) create this as a course via the seminar. My goal is to produce something akin to the lecture notes above from multiple books, homework, and a few projects. Though, the above is a lot of work to do and prep for
Apr 27, 2023 03:21
sorry, I do everything on this site with an Ipad, and the return on this invokes a send instead of new line, so forgive me while i type a response to the above
Apr 27, 2023 03:20
That’s interesting, when I think of lecture notes, I think of this:…
Apr 26, 2023 00:46
I dunno if that’s a dumb question or not, I just know that understanding a field well is much, much different skill than teaching a field well, so I want to practice it early and do right
Apr 26, 2023 00:43
Does anyone know by chance a good guide on writing lecture notes for math courses, or in the general? I know eventually I’ll have to get back into teaching, and will be doing higher-level courses, but I myself have never made my own lecture notes and want to do good on my future students by starting now than waiting for later in a couple of years
Nov 12, 2022 23:27
Yeah, i can see now in retrospect on how it would be disparaging, and i’m genuinely sorry for the ageism
Nov 12, 2022 05:01
one hell of a way to go out as a company I guess
Nov 12, 2022 05:00
News companies have been trying to reach out to Twitter to talk about it, but there's literally no one left in the Twitter communications department lol. Everyone was fired
Nov 12, 2022 04:58
A recent thing with a Twitter account that impersonated a Insulin Manufacturer (by copying their name and using their same twitter photo, and buying the Twitter checkmark) made a tweet saying insulin was now free and caused the real company to lose a lot with their stocks…
Nov 11, 2022 18:28
@leslietownes I've ended up sending an email to the Bodleian Library at the University of Oxford about my recent History of MS question about work preservation since they're the current holders of the Bakhshali manuscript. They said their excited for the question, and will respond within next week with answers from the history/preservation staff there
Nov 8, 2022 14:50
@user then there's people who use erasable pen
Mar 19, 2023 00:40
What was the original problem, and what were your original step-by-step attempt to this problem? There may be need to be more context for a good answer


Where the trash goes.
Nov 12, 2022 23:19
@Goku that would be soo easily gamed with elderly folk it would be actually insane. Just some dude walks into a voting booth with 1000+ voting power because he Saul Goodman’d a retirement home