By the way, {1≠⎕FX↑(⊂'z←f z'), ⍵⍴⊂'z←z+1⋄z←z+1': ∇ ⍵+1 ⋄ ⍵}0 returns 2848 (and not something close to 2*11 = 2048 = 4096÷2, as I would naively expect). But {1≠⎕FX↑(⊂'z←f z'), ⍵⍴⊂'z←z+1⋄z←z+1⋄z←z+1': ∇ ⍵+1 ⋄ ⍵}0 does return 2047.
Foremost, thanks for providing the writing access. I have a weird question regarding the limitations of the system function ⎕FX. I have noticed there exists an upper bound on the size of the function created in APL (Obviously such a limit should exist, I just have not expected it to be so low). E.g. {1≠⎕FX↑(⊂'f'), ⍵⍴⊂'''x''': ∇ ⍵+1 ⋄ ⍵}0 returns 4095 on my pc. Where could I find out more about it? P.S. I do realize it is a bad practice to create such large functions (especially in APL).