Vidar S. Ramdal

Sep 1, 2020 12:29
@nohillside Good point! Usually, a daily incremental backup would suffice, so the overhead of the database file will perhaps be acceptable.
Sep 1, 2020 09:25
@nohillside They don't transfer the entire library, only the modified files, but one of the modified files is the sqlite database file, which is huge. modifies the database file every time you work with the library (I guess).
Sep 1, 2020 06:14
@Allan "What have you researched?" I've researched 3 approaches, listed as 1, 2, 3 in my question.
Sep 1, 2020 06:09
@Allan I'm not much of a photographer, so Photoshop is overkill. Lightroom sounds interesting!
Sep 1, 2020 06:05
@Allan I've read that article (and similar ones). All of them seem to suggest taking full backups of the entire library every time. That's (almost) incompatible with using a online backup service - uploading the entire 90GB every day is not feasible.
Sep 1, 2020 05:50
@Allan I see now that I should have included and emphasized the words incremental and automatic. I fail to see how allows me to do incremental backups of my library. Backing up the entire 90GB photo library over the internet every day is not practical. I'll rework the question.
Sep 1, 2020 05:15
If you suggest a 3-2-1 strategy, then how have you implemented it? That would be a great answer to the question.
Sep 1, 2020 05:13
@Allan Your Photos Library.photoslibrary is not one single file. It is a directory under the hood. Right-click on in it Finder and select Show package contents, and you'll see. Witihn the Photos Library.photoslibrary/Database directory is a file called Photos.sqlite, which is what I mention in 2).
Sep 1, 2020 05:10
@Allan I want a fool-proof backup solution, as automatic as possible. Call it 3-2-1 or whatever you want. The quirks are what I have listed as "cons": 1) - A disk cannot be used both as a photo library and a TM backup, 2) The large database file that changes on every small modification, 3) "Referenced" images are not copied to iCloud.
Sep 1, 2020 05:06
@Allan 1. OK, maybe mentioning 3-2-1 was a mistake. It seems there is no good way to achieve 3-2-1 with I have edited it out. 2. I would say iCloud is a backup for many purposes, like if my house should burn down. 3. I have tried the three options I have listed, but I have found drawbacks with all of them. Are there any other options that I haven't found?
Sep 1, 2020 05:06
@Allan - the Photos app has some quirks that make 3-2-1 difficult to achieve in a practical way, like the SQLite database file I mention in #2. Also, I don't see iCloud as a fully independent off-site backup, since changes in iCloud are synced to other devices automatically. Thus, my question is: "What is the simplest, safest way to achieve a good backup strategy for macOS Photos?"
Sep 1, 2020 05:06
True, but I would still have the iCloud copy.


General chat room for
May 31, 2017 14:04
Sorry, @ale, I mistakenly voted "Leave Open" on this. Not sure if there's a way to change my vote.
May 31, 2017 14:03
Q: get a ".ics" Outlook calendar file into Google Calendar

MarkMy office IT prevents me from saving an ics file on my computer (at least I can figure out how to do that), but i am able to email myself a calendar at my Gmail address. I open the mail message and see the mail attachment, but I can't find any add to calendar options, or other means to get this ...

Nov 9, 2015 10:04
@serenesat: Please don't make minor edits to posts that will be closed as off-topic anyway - you are only creating noise in the review queue.
Oct 29, 2015 14:10
@sathya: - isn't this "polishing turds"? "If a post should be deleted, there's no point in editign it or approving edits for edit" (
Oct 29, 2015 12:54
@serenesat: There is usually no point in editing questions that are obviously off topic, or going to be closed.
Oct 21, 2015 10:40
A: How to disable GMail anti-spam completely?

annyhe just said he tried using the "never send to spam" feature and it DID NOT WORK. I just tried adding "a" and "the" as a filter word, then again selecting "NEVER SEND TO SPAM." hopefully that works the best answer is GOOGLE IS A BUNCH OF THICK-HEADED NERD IDIOTS, gmail SUCKS, USE ANY other em...

Oct 21, 2015 10:40
Any tips on how I can explain to this user what makes a good answer?
Jan 6, 2015 09:05
We should keep an eye on @jackhurley - so far he has attempted a vandalizing edit on and a spam answer on
Aug 11, 2014 19:32
This fresh user did a great job improving his question, so that eventually ended up as a good one. If anyone have answers, that will surely be encouraging.
Aug 11, 2014 19:30
Q: How do I block videos by keyword on YouTube?

nasektFor example, I want to block videos that contain the word cat in the title. I also do not want the blocked videos appearing in: Recommended Channels tab Recommended/related videos Search results How can I accomplish this?

Jun 5, 2014 12:57
(that was a reference to
Jun 5, 2014 12:40
@JacobJanTuinstra Not sure what you mean by "You need to add a comma in the example file"?
May 13, 2014 20:23
@Sathya: Thank you very much for the bounty. Much appreciated.
May 9, 2014 08:16
@pnuts Great, thanks!
May 8, 2014 12:56
@JacobJanTuinstra I have now :)
May 8, 2014 12:55
@JacobJanTuinstra In that case, that's very nice of him, but I thought bounties were only awarded to answers arriving after the bounty was offered. I might be wrong, though.
May 8, 2014 12:45
@JacobJanTuinstra There's a Dutch Google Spreadsheet in need of some help. Wonder if anyone feels qualified to answer that one?
May 8, 2014 12:41
@Sathya: I see you have set a bounty on How do I recover my Google password or username?, but I'm not sure I understand why. Do you think the answer should be expanded?
Mar 14, 2014 08:45
@jonsca Yeah, more clipart, please :)
Mar 13, 2014 19:12
@alex-s, please stop editing your comments into other people's questions. When you have enough reputation points, you will be able to comment. Make some real contributions first, to gain that reputation.
Mar 8, 2014 02:03
@JacobJanTuinstra, would you like to chime in on this? He wants an easy way to share scripts with other users (which I didn't get until late).
Mar 8, 2014 02:03
Q: How to export / import a Google Apps Script as a file into a new spreadsheet?

CawasI fear this may have an obvious answer, but I've been knocking my head over this and can't find it! When creating a new spreadsheet, we can easily create a script within it. I like to call it a macro. But when I create an even newer spreadsheet, I can't find a good way to get my macro! I actu...


 Spreadsheet Nerds

Excel vs. Google Spreadsheet
Jun 10, 2014 13:29
My friends and I have an annual competition on guessing who wins Premier League. With a spreadsheet and some scripting, I have made a status board which shows who has the closest guess, historic graphs and much more
Jun 10, 2014 13:28
Combine that with user input (through Google Forms), and you could actually make a quite capable webapp with just a few lines of code
Jun 10, 2014 13:27
Sports results, for example
Jun 10, 2014 13:27
And that could be almost any source, like a regular website with a table on it
Jun 10, 2014 13:27
Hmm, I make a lot of stuff using =importHTML (which may also exist in Excel, don't know), which is really cool for integrating with and pulling data from external sources
Jun 10, 2014 13:26
I use mostly Google Spreadsheets. Don't know off the top of my head if it supports search/replace with regexp, but it can certainly be scripted.
Jun 10, 2014 13:13
no, I don't know much Excel or VBA, I'm afraid
Jun 10, 2014 13:12
sorry, I haven't seen such a feature in Excel, but maybe @JacobJanTuinstra knows better
Jun 10, 2014 13:09
ah, sorry, missed that. And you are meaning Excel, and not Google Spreadsheets? :)
Jun 10, 2014 12:06
@jackopen Not sure I understand ... isn't the link you posted describing how to do it in Excel?
Jun 5, 2014 15:03
No, I'm iterating over the sheets: for(var i = 0; i < sheets.length; i++). If any sheet matches the date, the sheet's name is returned (line 8). So if we reach the throw Error line, it means no sheet has matched.
Jun 5, 2014 14:38
But the throw statement is placed at the end of the function, so that it will be called only if there's no matching sheet
Jun 5, 2014 14:37
Jun 5, 2014 14:37
Huh, that's weird ... I had it working here, but it obviously hadn't been saved
May 8, 2014 12:58
@JacobJanTuinstra Hello