Sep 20, 2023 22:25
Be sure to change the β€œPromiscuous Mode” to β€œAllow All” if you would like the VM to accept incoming connections πŸ‘πŸ»
Jan 23, 2023 01:45
That last image is not a login screen, but a "Unlock the volume" password entry screen. The words are pretty clear about that 🀐

 Raiders of the Lost Downboat

Place to sail the open sea, and search out boats to take down....
Dec 14, 2022 07:46
@cocomac I could have been mistaken. The removal was more of a visceral reaction to spam, but I can leave them intact if needs be. I figured the rest of the text in the body would back up the attestation 🀐
Apr 12, 2022 05:06
@andrew.46 image stolen and edited into the question. Thank you πŸ‘πŸ»
Apr 7, 2022 04:29
@andrew.46 that's a job that I could never do. Lots of respect for people who can, though. The blood ... the other fluids ... the shouting family members. Nah. I'll leave that to better people than I. My job is to ensure those who do the hard work have the tools they need when they need them 😬
Apr 7, 2022 04:22
@andrew.46 if I went and did it, my wife would turn what's left of my days into an endless stream of complaints. Some dreams – regardless how noble – are not worth the noise 🀣
Apr 7, 2022 04:17
@andrew.46 the only reward I have ever received for accomplishing things is "more work". Not sure if I want to add to the pile. That said, it would be nice to have more meaningful work.
Apr 7, 2022 04:03
@andrew.46 22 years remaining for me until I am expected to retire, and probably 27 until I actually do. The house won't pay for itself, after all 😫
Apr 7, 2022 03:01
@andrew.46 I work with a lot of very smart people who consistently do "silly" things. One of the challenges that I try to solve at the day job is building a system that translates what a person does into what they mean. I can do this with 98% accuracy for teachers and school support staff, but it's hard as heck with management types who seem to make it their mission in life to do things that are so illogical that an irrational person will look at them and go: "Dude. What the heck?" ...
Apr 7, 2022 02:55
"I have a question. Oh, I know! I'll write my question as an answer! Words are subjective and don't mean anything anyway!"
Apr 7, 2022 02:54
Sometimes I look at the posts that get deleted and want to weep for humanity. How is it that we – as a species – are so good at spotting successful patterns, yet so bad at following them? πŸ™„
Apr 7, 2022 00:04
@andrew.46 I used to do that with Putty and Opera. Mind you, this would have been pre-2010, when people still needed traditional computers to do things rather than phones or tablets ...
Apr 6, 2022 14:36
You've earned the "technophobe" badge (provide an answer citing a book that people have to buy in order to verify your claim)
Apr 6, 2022 14:36
When was the last time someone referenced a book on AskUbuntu? Is there a badge for that?
Apr 6, 2022 14:31
Also, get off my lawn. It's less than a year old ΰ² _ΰ² 
Apr 6, 2022 14:30
I dunno ... I like pulling books off the shelf and looking things up from time to time. This probably makes me "old", but it's a heck of a lot less invasive than the typical Google search ...
Apr 6, 2022 11:21
@andrew.46 that makes about as much sense as XAMPP ...
Apr 6, 2022 08:03
Wow. An MS-DOS question. I used to carry around a bootable DOS 6.1.1 floppy everywhere just in case someone wanted me to fix their system ... because I was asked that often back in the mid-90s πŸ˜‘
Apr 4, 2022 06:31
@andrew.46 I learned a lot before buying, then went and acquired 8! πŸ€ͺ
Apr 4, 2022 03:23
@BeastOfCaerbannog just saw this note. When the item came up in the review queue, I saw it as being a bug (which has likely been resolved over the years) within the code and the solution as a workaround to a fundamental issue that needed developer attention πŸ€”
Apr 1, 2022 13:39
@cocomac +1. Good question. I've hit the wrong button on occasion, but usually a Skip rather than something else ...
Mar 31, 2022 15:07
A decade back I ditched WordPress to build my own publishing platform (which has since gone on to host blogs, a social network, textbooks, a Bible API, and the like) and have never once looked back. Seems every site that is "Proudly powered by WordPress" and more than 15 minutes old is slow as molasses in Newfoundland on a February morning ...
Mar 31, 2022 15:05
After much fussing about, I just did a web search using some of the keywords in my head from the email I read a little while ago in order to find the thing I wanted. My goodness ...
Mar 31, 2022 15:03
Is it just me, or is Ubuntu Fridge hosted on a wind-up watch from 1873? The vast majority of my requests to that site time out. Is this a WordPress thing? Or is the web host just not at all interested in making the site worth visiting? πŸ˜‘
Mar 31, 2022 08:52
@andrew.46 dinner time here. G'night πŸ––β€
Mar 31, 2022 02:54
@andrew.46 wait ... really? 😯
Mar 31, 2022 01:01
(I have written the vast majority of the technical documentation at the day job, 95% of which has never once been read)
Mar 31, 2022 00:58
But then comes "documentation creep", because Mint, Pop! OS, and other projects are continuing to evolve in directions that differ from Canonical's vision of a Debian-based platform. Would people really care to read about why Mint doesn't use Snap? Does it matter? Do people want to read about Pop! OSes custom DE? Does it matter? It just seems ... like work.
Mar 31, 2022 00:56
@NotTheDr01ds it's the "fun" part that is hard to maintain. I've sketched out a couple of ways to approach this, but it always comes across as a series of technical documents outlining the reasons behind the project's existence. Mint forked off from Ubuntu because "reasons". Pop! OS forked off from Ubuntu because "reasons". Can those reasons be written in a manner that is educational, non-political, and fun at the same time? πŸ€”
Mar 30, 2022 22:59
@andrew.46 this is the third time I’ve seen the question, and I would remember because I edited the first two to wrap the terminal output in code blocks.
Mar 30, 2022 16:23
@NotTheDr01ds I like to say: "Mint is like Ubuntu the way Subaru is like Ford" ... but then the car buffs come out and tell me something like: "Well, actually, it would be more accurate to compare Subaru to Toyota, because they use the same chassis for their mid-size and sport vehicles." ... which completely misses the point ...
Mar 30, 2022 16:16
@NotTheDr01ds yeah, those are legit questions and answers, though. They lack the "fun" of the Kali Linux meta post, which I would try to replicate 😬
Mar 30, 2022 14:43
@Zanna a character limit for posts? Challenge accepted πŸ‘β€
Mar 30, 2022 14:18
Boot times are a non-issue. If people want fast boot times, they should stand up and use the bathroom or make a cup of coffee. Watching a computer boot is about as effective a use of time as watching paint dry ...
Mar 30, 2022 13:46
Does Natty have a check for questions or answers that are approaching Wiki-lengths? πŸ€”
Mar 30, 2022 06:31
Also, it would be nice if the person running Pop! Planet would fix his darn site at some point. I know that these things cost money to run, but there's no excuse for poor SSL certificate management in a world where Let's Encrypt and CloudFlare have made it just so darn easy ...
Mar 30, 2022 06:29
I wonder if it's worth the effort to create a "Based On Ubuntu != Ubuntu" meta question in a similar vein to the Why is Kali Linux so hard to set up? Unix Meta post. My goodness ... the number of Pop! OS and Linux Mint questions that get closed is remarkable.
Mar 30, 2022 06:20
@andrew.46 you can't hide that ♦ forever 😜
Mar 30, 2022 06:08
Or maybe the new mod ... πŸ€”
Mar 30, 2022 05:58
Oh, that's right. If I retract the vote, I cannot vote to close it again ...
Mar 30, 2022 05:58
@BeastOfCaerbannog I can retract my unclear as it's now no longer reproducible ...
Mar 30, 2022 03:27
@cocomac servers that refuse to update are no fun ...
Mar 30, 2022 03:22
@cocomac yep. I get nginx errors 🀐
Apr 6, 2022 20:16
If the port number is lower than 1024, you may be running into a situation where the OS is rejecting your configuration. Ports below this number are reserved for specific applications πŸ€”
Apr 4, 2022 13:28
I've used VirtualBox for well over a decade and have not encountered this sort of issue with Linux-based OSes unless the VDI was stored on an external device that had overly-aggressive power saving rules in place. What do these VMs do? You said that the problem re-emerges after you wholesale copy data, which has me thinking it's something in the VM itself that you're migrating to other images causing the problem πŸ€”
Mar 30, 2022 16:09
2025 will be the year I earn a diamond ... and instantly regret it for all the additional work it entails! πŸ€ͺ
Mar 30, 2022 16:08
@Zanna it's all good. As I've said many times, there were no illusions of victory here. It's to get my name out. Heck, the last 11 months I've been mostly quiet, focusing only on the Q&A aspect of the site because I tend to talk too darned much (which is why I made my own social network a few years back) ...
Mar 30, 2022 14:29
@Zanna I didn't get 10% of the vote! Not even 10%!!! 😭
Mar 30, 2022 14:19
Windows has some mechanisms to "cheat" when using both Bluetooth and WiFi on the 2.4GHz spectrum, often at the detriment of your network speed. Many Linux distributions do not work with burstable-packets, though, choosing instead to try an maximize everything. If you can choose the channels that your WiFi router uses, try to stick with 1, 6, or 11. These three channels are pretty crowded in many urban areas, but they're the ones that interfere with Bluetooth the least 🀐
Mar 30, 2022 14:19
Which band are you using for WiFi? If you're using something that requires the 2.4GHz bands, then you are probably seeing a lot of radio interference from that. If it's at all possible, set the WiFi to 5GHz. That should free up the local frequencies for Bluetooth 4.x and 5.x transmissions πŸ‘β€