@joojaa Got it. I think I managed to creat ranges that didn't result in anything for the function. I use it once every two years, so I'm a bit rusty. Thanks for the help!
I'm talking about the lines that pop up when you move some objects around, to have them easily align. The guides that print 'path' or 'anchor' next to your cursor when you're hovering over a, well, path or anchor.
Weird question. What is the default colour of Smart Guides in Adobe Illustrator? I'm teaching Illustrator classes, and I have had my own set to green for the longest time. But I'd like to know what my students see. Anyone stiil have their smart guides on the default?
@Wolff In the 'Dutch' list, the second and the fourth options look positively alien to my eyes. Maybe they are archaic ways of using quotes, but I can't remember having seen them in texts younger than 1960.
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