
Aug 21, 2023 23:33
Do you have a private office or only shared spaces available?
Nov 23, 2022 00:20
As Codecaster asked earlier: Are you on medication? Do you use drugs? Do you have a CO detector? (That CO detector is important - non-lethal levels of CO can do weird things to you.)
Sep 25, 2022 22:23
@Guarneer - when you give a reason, any reason, then you open yourself up to them calculating if the reason is adequate, or finding ways to change your mind, to asking again later when the reason no longer applies. It's much better to not give a reason.
Mar 25, 2022 23:41
The microwave may not be on the org chart, but you are. Why is your manager not concerned about your ability to do work?
Feb 14, 2022 22:44
I think this is a legit question - a non-programmer boss is impressed by what a non-programmer worker thinks is a wildly fake resume, and the non-programmer boss has now hired the person.
Feb 14, 2022 22:44
It sounds like you are not a programmer (talking to buddy who is about details) - what kind of work is this guy supposed to be doing (besides being your new boss), and what kind of work do you do? Do you suspect the resume is fake, but a person will actually show up, or that it's all fake, and no-one will actually be starting soon?
Jan 5, 2022 01:24
Having comments deleted by the OP, but the responses still there tell me that there was additional information that gives examples, has links, or might clarify the question, but now there isn't.
Jan 5, 2022 01:24
From your example, it sounds like a Data Analyst, although a data analyst also knows the business rules that turn knowing the top three toppings into something useful for the business, or make the business work more efficiently.
Sep 29, 2021 21:38
Can you be considered neatly dressed if you wear a hoody with the hood on (covering the hair)? If you're a geek that might work. For other jobs, it might not. Or perhaps a head scarf?
Aug 26, 2021 06:44
Just a point for you: girls are children; men and women are adults. Unless he is hiring children or you also refer to your male co-workers as boys, then don't call your female coworkers 'girls'.
Jul 21, 2021 12:21
I'm not sure answering what we think is a good format for this site. Did you want to turn them down without burning bridges? Are you afraid that someone will think you are bribing them?
Jul 21, 2021 12:21
Did they pay it back the next day?
Sep 11, 2020 12:03
It seems that this question is not so much about binaries in git as it is about a co-worker that looks like he is doing a lot of work, getting a lot done. And Gray Sheep is stuck cleaning up after him, in order to even do his own job. It makes him slower, makes him look bad, because sloppy co-worker is getting so much more done. I've been in that situation, cleaning up after a 'super-star', which just makes him look good and me look bad. But I only cleaned up if we were on the project together.
Aug 26, 2020 08:37
Can Tania sell the bedroom to a third party without Oleg's having a say in it? For instance, would her current renters be interested in buying? If she had an tentative offer on the table that was more to her liking, it would make it easier for her to explain why she was turning him down.
Feb 14, 2020 12:45
@aaaaasaysreinstateMonica - "eat vegetables" advice or perhaps just "it's time to be an adult" type of advice.
Feb 14, 2020 12:39
Will the fear of losing your job help motivate you? When you don't come in, do you at least call and let them know?
Jan 2, 2020 14:01
@Rohan that sounds like a problem with the hiring process, not with the applicant.
May 14, 2019 12:00
Also, do they offer vacation time? Are you allowed to use it?
May 14, 2019 12:00
Did they say why firing you if you failed to fix something that quickly was their solution? To make you take it seriously, or to actually get it fixed? Once they've fired you, do they have other ways to get it fixed?
May 2, 2019 08:52
Did the manager pay with her own funds, or did the company pay?
Apr 23, 2019 15:34
Is there any chance he doesn't have a place elsewhere to live?
Apr 3, 2019 12:33
How are they going to afford another programmer if they can't afford to give you a raise? Where does that money come from?
Feb 7, 2019 06:52
I'm not as confident as @JoeStrazzere that they won't mind - many employers expect you to have childcare, so when you are working you are just working for them. I hope they are understanding.
Feb 6, 2019 07:12
This! If your local demographics are 80% white and male, then you're getting good diversity in your hiring too. Otherwise, you're somehow not getting a good enough diversity in your applications. Hire the best of the applicants, but make sure you're getting a good selection of applicants.
Jan 26, 2019 05:34
I really, really want an update on this, want to know what the handbook says. Unless, like @rackandboneman says, you're leaving out something vital.
Jan 19, 2019 07:23
Are there other teams in the same area? In other words, are you part of a larger company, where you could ask to be moved to a location where there are chattier people, even if they are working on something completely different?
Jan 17, 2019 16:42
@MartinArgerami Inviting some and not all is completely normal. Inviting all except ONE is pointedly rude, and is usually discouraged in elementary schools. Which still misses the point of my answer - it's ok to exclude the one if they've already been inappropriate towards you. As long as you're not in management.
Jan 17, 2019 16:42
@JohnK if you are a manager or in HR, and you're inviting colleagues, it's not purely private, even if it's a party at your own house. Did you read the links? It sounds like the OP is NOT a manager or in HR, and so yes, it seems quite appropriate to invite all but the one. But excluding just one person from a group is rude, even when completely justified and recommended. Sometimes rude is ok.
Jan 17, 2019 16:42
@Echox very much yes.
Jan 17, 2019 05:05
@georgie153 Another reason people might complain about having to take stairs to use the toilet is if they have IBS or some need to use the toilet immediately. That doesn't mean you can do anything about it, but again, there are other reasons other than 'lazy'.
Dec 30, 2018 04:28
Wouldn't that happen for anyone else who leaves too? It sounds like they're just trying to shaft you and see if it works.
Dec 19, 2018 22:05
Can you give some more advice for the option 2 situation? Maybe how to talk to him and get what you want while still letting him feel in control?
Dec 6, 2018 07:57
@EmilRR1 - are you using your personal computer for work?
Oct 25, 2018 21:43
Spouses or partners are not invited? You seem to imply that by the room sharing information.
Sep 13, 2018 21:10
@GOATNine I don't think that is always the case. That is simply a communication style that differs from the OP's communication style.
Jun 8, 2018 02:55
Are you a manager or supervisor, above this person? Or are you a peer?
Jun 6, 2018 09:47
@Anil - many of us have never dealt with a relieving letter, so you need to explain a lot that you think is basic and obvious information. Do you get paid on the 6th? Your last working day is the 4th? Does the relieving letter need to have a date no earlier than the 5th, because you gave notice on May 5th?
May 24, 2018 22:08
@ldog - that is a very good point. I will edit the answer.
Apr 27, 2018 23:01
If you don't have the authority to put them on a PIP and move them out, then you'll have to lower your expectations of what can be achieved with this team, or else work with their manager to put them on a PIP. But you still can't treat them like children. Project managers sometimes need to learn how to lead without authority, and that starts with people respecting them and the work. The answers you've been given already suggest ideas about how to get respect.
Apr 27, 2018 22:56
If they are not being professional or are inadequately skilled, then put them on a PIP and start the process of moving them out and replacing them with better workers. But don't treat them like children.
Apr 27, 2018 22:16
@NateJay - free adults are allowed to eat what they wish, without their manager's approval of food choices. Your company probably also provides them a lunch time, which is their own time to do as they wish, which includes leaving the premises and using their own property, such as cars and keys. You are trying to control them on their own time as well as during their work time. This goes beyond being a poor manager and not understanding how to treat professionals like adults.
Apr 21, 2018 01:40
Will there be electricity? So people who have even more severe issues, like needing a CPAP machine, will have accommodations?
Mar 21, 2018 21:03
You're asking for what is the professional behavior from him, but you can't control or change his behavior. It doesn't matter what is appropriate - he will do what he does. You can ask how to respond, how to uninvite him, how to talk to the person who forwarded the message - all sorts of things that you could do. But you have no control over his actions, so what is the benefit of asking what he should do?
Mar 21, 2018 21:03
Are you asking for what the Analysis Paralysis Expert should do if he attends your meeting? Or how you can mitigate his effect if he attends the meeting?
Jan 2, 2018 22:12
Most of my grade schools and junior high had a closed campus, so we weren't allowed to leave for food and had to use the cafeteria. By high school, we were allowed to leave for lunch. But that was just for students.
Dec 8, 2017 16:30
So she is your assistant, but you are not her manager? Do you provide input on performance? Waiting until the end of the year to give input is less than optimal - are you addressing those issues as they happen?
Aug 10, 2017 07:44
Is it even legal for you to work for free? There are some situations where working as an unpaid intern is allowed, but if this isn't one of those, you're also asking your boss to break the law. Don't do that.
Apr 6, 2017 18:03
What happens the next time you have three pay periods? You'll cut him again?
Dec 2, 2016 00:38
Is the "(even nephews)" supposed to mean something? I'm pretty sure my dad had nephews on the day he was born, and my older sibling had kids when my younger sibling was still a young teen.
Dec 18, 2015 15:57
@gnat - you linked to a question that is itself a duplicate. Plus, this isn't really the same, as this question is from someone who has the authority to do something.