Mar 15, 2021 15:12
@eshansingh1 Why? I see many people criticizing the measurement of the wage gap, but is this inherently sexist? Or did you refer to other comments?
Mar 15, 2021 15:12
@DJClayworth That is exactly the answer DonQuiKong gave.
Mar 15, 2021 15:12
Also, do we know that unemployment rates of women (note unemployment means only those who are actively looking) are not lower than men? What is the evidence on this? Seems to be a crucial assumption in this question..
Mar 15, 2021 14:58
I would say this actually comes closest to what I intuitively believe is going on (+1). However, the way you write it it's difficult to make sense of it in economic terms. How would we capture this? There is a difference between the "objective" marginal product and the marginal product observed by employers?
Mar 13, 2021 23:01
Blau, Francine D., and Lawrence M. Kahn. 2017. “The Gender Wage Gap: Extent, Trends, and Explanations.” Journal of Economic Literature, 55(3): 789-865. Available online here.
Mar 13, 2021 23:01
@reirab I think no one is considering the raw wage gap. Even the person opening the post mentioned adjusted wage gap.
Mar 13, 2021 23:01
@nick012000 How about citing some academic studies when making such bold claims?