Nov 8, 2021 05:56
@NicoleHamilton What would you do if a portion of an answer was conspicuously the same but the bulk of the work different? Where do you draw the line between mutual assistance and cheating? I know of at least one case where a pair of students specialised and each did two complete assignments in the specialty. Out in industry this behaviour pattern is called teamwork and is highly valued. I know what your objection will be but the larger world is very results oriented.
Aug 6, 2021 03:01
Arguably the Christian resurrection tale makes Jesus a zombie
Jul 30, 2021 16:41
@Slarty separate abiogenesis is selecting from the same solution space. Same chemistry same physics. There are only so many body plans that work well and this also applies at smaller scales; the same sets of constraints. Think droplets of water on the rim of a glass, you tap the glass and they fall in. You'll never see the same path twice but always they end at the bottom in the middle of the glass.
Apr 22, 2021 12:46
@KerrAvon2055 The response to COVID may have been a shambles in the northern hemisphere, but Australia and NZ got it right. The best place to be in any EOTWAWKI is on the frontier. Provided it doesn't produce nuclear fallout, the primary effect down here of a northern hemisphere apocalypse would be to turn us into a global power. We have the resources, the skills and enough remnant infrastructure to on-shore the manufacture of everything except maybe semiconductors, and our precious little darlings aren't going to have time for their xBoxs and iPads during the Great Onshoring.
Apr 23, 2020 19:17
@ThibaultD. the problem isn't the distro vendors, it's Linux enthusiasts who take every opportunity to tell everyone how secure Linux is, when this is a property not of Linux but of competent configuration (something you can do with any platform). The distro vendors could address the problem but secure-by-default raises the bar to entry so they won't.
Feb 2, 2019 13:47
If you're feeling mean sell em some wrong answers. When we shared material at uni to we took pains to write our own comments and variable names, especially when the level of sharing exceeded what might be regarded as collaboration. Use a pattern of compensating errors to watermark the material as this is more likely to go undetected -- and if they fix the bugs this demonstrates the understanding for which you are testing.
Jun 27, 2017 19:01
My reason for leaving is the certain knowledge that after you skim this you will come and tell me I'm wrong before you file and forget as you have with every other employee input ever solicited. I would like you to actually prove me wrong but I don't think you have it in you.