Mar 14, 2023 02:35
@user626528 Yes, but it mentions immigration status -- citizenship and permanent residence being categories of immigration status.
Mar 11, 2023 20:26
They didn't say that it wasn't your country of habitual residence, but rather, that your current immigration status there is insufficient. It seems likely to me that they would want you to be a citizen of Mexico, and not just a PR, before they grant the tourist visa.
Sep 21, 2018 06:35
You mention having used Optifine and BetterFPS before; can you try a completely fresh reinstall? Also, Server brand: ~~ERROR~~ NullPointerException: null makes me suspect this is a server-side issue or incompatibility.

 The Bridge

General Arqade Chat. We tried to leave once, but the door lock...
Jun 8, 2018 15:04
uh @JonathanDavidArndt *
Jun 8, 2018 15:03
in retrospect maybe I should've improve edit-ed; reject and edit is kinda heavy handed
Jun 8, 2018 15:02
@JonArdt I rejected and edited a few of your suggested edits for bypassing the minimum edit length requirement; I invite you to discuss it with me either in chat or on meta, but first please read through and
Feb 5, 2018 02:24
Feb 5, 2018 02:22
@Memor-X I raised a mod flag on that question; I don't think there's a point in edit-warring on it
Sep 27, 2016 17:37
@Wipqozn I can only hope that one day I reach a point wh-- no who am I kidding I never want that to happen to me
Sep 27, 2016 04:01
Sep 27, 2016 04:01
To some people (read: people who don't consider debates entertainment) they'd be hanging themselves. To others, they get to drum up blind support for points their opponent doesn't have time to refute.
Sep 27, 2016 03:57
> come home with six pings in my inbox
*uh oh*
Jul 31, 2016 19:55
@arda haha yeah, I would never let my notif bar get that full before screenshotting. other people shouldn't be able to see that I don't have my life together
Jul 31, 2016 19:54
huh. was yours the modded version, with footsteps working?
Jul 31, 2016 19:53
Jul 31, 2016 19:50
is Vaporeon still OP with the new balancing?
Jul 31, 2016 19:49
ha, it's cute that they send a reminder not to trespass
Jul 31, 2016 19:47
but thank you
Jul 31, 2016 19:47
@arda it auto-pings me since I authored the post :). he was replying to your point in the first sentence, and the rest was to me
Jul 31, 2016 19:33
I gotta say, this comment makes me feel pretty harassed... that comment lasted all of 17 minutes before I was lambasted
Jul 25, 2016 17:54
Isn't Blastoise the weakest one in ORAS meta?
Jul 25, 2016 17:52
There are definitely plenty of people around. This one gym near me has held on for almost a week with a 3k CP Dragonite.
Jul 25, 2016 17:48
@Ellesedil I have to say, I honestly wish I picked Instinct. It just seems like it'd be so much more fun losing my gym every five minutes ;)
Jul 25, 2016 17:46
@Ellesedil Too bad everyone around me is also Mystic so I can't gather much data... :/
Jul 25, 2016 17:46
@Ellesedil It's enough to convince me that I need more investigation before I can make that claim without a disclaimer. :-)
Jun 10, 2015 05:34
Aug 15, 2016 19:58
@Kevin You should be able to do it by Start a Bounty => Reward existing answer, located right under the add a comment button on the question.

 The 2nd Monitor

General discussion about - Welcom...
Jul 8, 2015 02:13
I think SE chatrooms are better left unpinned so you can immediately see the (*)
Jul 8, 2015 02:11
try using a theme like this one where inactive tabs are still dark; it makes it really easy to see at-a-glance if you have a new email or facebook message or the like
Jul 8, 2015 02:10
they work really well with dark themes where the little animation is easier to see
Jul 8, 2015 02:09
I love to use pinned tabs for things where I just want to know if something updated, rather than exactly how many updated
Jul 8, 2015 02:05
@Quill how do you separate your tabs? i.e. what categories do you place them in?
Jul 8, 2015 01:56
good night @Malachi!
Jul 8, 2015 01:56
ah, it's been a while since I've done this. :P
Jul 8, 2015 01:45
did something change with reference-style links? I tried doing [link text][ref] and then ref: http://blahblah but it wouldn't work... or at least, it didn't show up in the preview
Jul 8, 2015 01:45
why thank you
Jul 8, 2015 01:43
monkning! ...or do we not do that anymore :P
Apr 13, 2015 19:47
And yeah, there's a list of permissible HTML here
Apr 13, 2015 19:47
I'm hesitant to add it in (I feel like I've bumped this post too much already!) though if I make another edit I definitely will.
Apr 13, 2015 19:41
ah yeah, I used c for cost but perhaps a or t or x would be better :P
Apr 13, 2015 19:41
then, we can use that charcoal for the next 8 charcoals since it's more efficient than everything else
Apr 13, 2015 19:40
so for example c_1 is 30 since we use planks/sticks
Apr 13, 2015 19:40
c_n is the cost of the nth group of charcoals
Apr 13, 2015 19:28
(Incidentally I've cleaned up my comments on the answer; I suggest that you do the same for the relevant comments.)
Apr 13, 2015 19:28
It does in fact come out to 24 3/7, meaning the value approaches exactly 7, rather than 7 1/9 as I had before.
Apr 13, 2015 19:27
@DarkDestry Thanks for pointing that out! I forgot that I had made an assumption earlier.
Apr 13, 2015 19:26
@DarkDestry The cost of Charcoal* is one Wood (24) and two sticks or 1 plank (6), giving 30.
Apr 13, 2015 19:26
@DarkDestry I've updated the answer to specifically answer your subquestion. You may be surprised (as I was!) to find that the answer actually changes a bit.
Apr 13, 2015 19:26
@DarkDestry The sticks vs planks part wasn't in the original question. I'm adding more now about it :-)
Apr 13, 2015 19:26
I didn't include items that require things other than Wood (such as Bookshelves). Please let me know if I missed anything! Also, in case the headings aren't clear enough: Time is the burn time in seconds of an item, and Value is just Time divided by Cost. Mind that items in a furnace always take exactly 10 seconds to smelt.