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Paul Fisher
Ask Ubuntu General Room
Normally: General discussion around Ask Ubuntu, Ubuntu & offic...
Paul Fisher
Jan 29, 2011 21:06
@fluteflute actually, the same thing goes for my Thinkpad T510
Paul Fisher
Jan 13, 2011 17:18
I feel like dipping a sauce into something else isn't something that you can do
Paul Fisher
Jan 12, 2011 21:43
I'm on Firefox 4.0b9pre from the PPA and voting works for me
Paul Fisher
Jan 12, 2011 18:21
@TheX not me, I insist that you believe the lies
Paul Fisher
Jan 12, 2011 18:13
google leap second
Paul Fisher
Jan 12, 2011 18:13
wake up sheeple
Paul Fisher
Jan 12, 2011 18:09
@TheX :)
Paul Fisher
Jan 12, 2011 18:07
@TheX to answer your question in the strictest sense possible, yes, it was yes or no.
Paul Fisher
Jan 12, 2011 18:05
@TheX no, that's why they had time to predict the end of the world
Paul Fisher
Jan 12, 2011 18:04
(if only I actually got paid for that, or had ever had any before. I just have a friend who raved about it)
Paul Fisher
Jan 12, 2011 18:03
@TheX the incas only predicted the delicious taste of Inka Kola, the Golden Kola
Paul Fisher
Jan 12, 2011 17:58
@TheX I saw something on Nightline of all places about how this number of "mass dyings" is pretty typical, but usually they don't get any attention