Aug 7, 2013 19:14
thanks for the wonderful info, unfortunately I think my lunch break is now going on 2 hours, so I definitely should get back to work, but thanks again, hopefully I will see you guys around!
Aug 7, 2013 19:00
ok, good to know in that regard :)
Aug 7, 2013 19:00
ive read that you should learn C before C++ alot, is this no longer the case?
Aug 7, 2013 18:59
would you say C is a required learn first, or would it be more time-efficient to just focus on learning C++ with no prior C learning?
Aug 7, 2013 18:54
trying to determine what I am up against :)
Aug 7, 2013 18:54
any estimate on what amount of time somebody with little programming experience (but some code experience) might be able to pick up enough C++ to be usable on a fundamental level? I know its hard to make an estimate so vague of course, and nothing is set in stone, but just a rough estimate is fine :)
Aug 7, 2013 18:52
oh, the freelancer is just currently for web programming, C++ is a totally different beast :)
Aug 7, 2013 18:50
with a side of LUA
Aug 7, 2013 18:50
particularly gaming, from what I can tell, C++ seems to be the defacto standard
Aug 7, 2013 18:46
would you say that a focus in one specific industry with C++ is hard to change to another?
Aug 7, 2013 18:45
@WorldEngineer outlook as in do you feel that learning C++ has a better future then PHP/ASP, do you feel C++ is on the incline or decline in frequency of use and median pay (just opinions is fine)
Aug 7, 2013 18:43
quick question for some of the C++ programmers here - I personally know and use PHP/ASP on a semi-pro level (1 year of experience, I freelance on the side and would consider myself good enough to "tinker" but not good enough to write anything from scratch) - what would you recommend as a start for learning C++, and do you feel that the current outlook bypasses web languages?
Aug 22, 2012 19:23
I did
Aug 22, 2012 19:23
ya, ventrilo servers are similar, about 5-10 for 8 slots, and its voice only - easy easy money
Aug 22, 2012 19:23
anyways, ive got to get going to that meeting, ill hopefully be able to jump back on once I am back at the office
Aug 22, 2012 19:22
thats the part I don't get haha :P
Aug 22, 2012 19:22
ya, I imagine, its not exactly a high-maintenance server id imagine
Aug 22, 2012 19:21
as for minecraft, I never saw the point of that game
Aug 22, 2012 19:21
so like every piece of code on the main site will need to change, not hard, just tedious lol
Aug 22, 2012 19:21
we have a really hefty project coming up we might try to get somebody to do - basically our main site can't run php at all, so we used an old domain to host all of our php scripts called from our main site, but we want to move that 2nd php site to a subdomain of the main site
Aug 22, 2012 19:20
gotchya, I used to host a ton of gaming/ventrilo servers myself
Aug 22, 2012 19:19
its nice to see people doing hosting outside of godaddy and the big boys
Aug 22, 2012 19:18
I saw, some pretty snazzy screenshots
Aug 22, 2012 19:18
ya, there are plenty of nasty uses for something that can brute force that well
Aug 22, 2012 19:18
probably best to offer it as a one time paid service, they send you the XML URL, you send them the results :)
Aug 22, 2012 19:17
or somebody malicious could open 500 copies at once
Aug 22, 2012 19:16
if you did find a way to securely host it haha
Aug 22, 2012 19:16
I would just worry about the server load it would put on your servers honestly
Aug 22, 2012 19:15
ahh, ok
Aug 22, 2012 19:13
plus xml sitemaps can be -slightly- different in formatting, ours uses exact google specs, but some might not
Aug 22, 2012 19:13
we have one of those in our site that is a huge hole that lets any user load any url they want into our server, I just have been lazy to go fix it up, one of these days ><
Aug 22, 2012 19:12
gotchya, ya, there are definitely security loopholes
Aug 22, 2012 19:08
unfortunately, I have to get to a meeting with our data entry guy here in about 10 minutes, but I should be able to check in on this as needed etc - if you want, you can email me directly as well at [email protected] - I generally respond to emails within minutes if I am anywhere remotely close to a PC
Aug 22, 2012 19:05
its less of a big red shiny button and more of a click and drag one time in an admin panel to break everything button - force changes url's of around 10k pages or so, most of our href's are generated by php or are dynamic, but I imagine there are alot of static hidden that I would miss
Aug 22, 2012 18:59
on a side note, we currently outsource alot of the tougher programming tasks (really tough javascript/PHP), but the guy we use here is a bit flaky, ill talk to the boss here about possibly checking into ionfish
Aug 22, 2012 18:59
awesome, fortunately, I havn't hit the button that will break it yet, we get very minimal traffic, and once we switch to this new method, its going to go to hell
Aug 22, 2012 18:51
not sure how long each would take, but assuming 1 second each, thats like 25 days
Aug 22, 2012 18:51
considering about 10k pages or so, each with around 250 average internal links... roughly 2.5 million requests
Aug 22, 2012 18:49
Aug 22, 2012 18:45
ya, its definitely alot more complex needing to recursively search each - some pages may have more than 1 dead link as well (though not frequently) - as for computing power, I would probably run this locally on my gaming pc (quad core I7, 4.9 Ghz, 32gb ram, 10Mb/s down, 5Mb/s up) - those specs should be hefty enough?
Aug 22, 2012 18:45
the sitemap is dynamically generated and will be 100% correct, the problem is the individual pages within that sitemap will then have tons of dead links, so it would need to recursively scan each page within the sitemap - tried to clarify the question a bit, as I was worried you had interpreted it the other way. Basically whatever tool would need to spider all anchors on each page and scan those, probably ALOT more complex :P - I understand if you don't want to try to reach for that one :)
Aug 22, 2012 18:45
that would really help! the site is actually up on an accessible server, however what I need to do is provide a sitemap.xml, and then it would need to check each page from that sitemap for dead links within that page (1 page to another) - and then just note the url of the page that contains a dead anchor, and the anchor text if possible.

sitemap can be found at [](
Aug 22, 2012 18:45
also, if you want, you can simply provide the php code and I can paste it into a text file and upload - it sounds like this would be really helpful for alot of webmasters to be able to edit slightly as well to do the same thing! I don't know much PHP, but if there is anything you need or that I can help with, let me know!