Mar 2, 2020 16:53
in my opinion, it says a lot if they took the time to fill out their profile. Reputation and stats are great, but who are they are a person? I'd encourage the nominees to fill out their profile.
Dec 8, 2017 16:30
I'd gladly spend $50 on a tip if that keeps another person blissfully complacent of an interpersonal status with me for another year. Nothing is worse than unspoken tension.
Jul 29, 2017 00:03
I'd bring the situation up to the senior developer--if you can, just do the work. If not, tell him you need his help and you can't be successful in this project without him. Try not to consult the manager unless you have to--but burning bridges is worse as an intern here in my opinion than failure or delay of a project due to someone else's negligence.
May 30, 2017 19:02
less than one hour left. Good luck to all the candidates!
May 29, 2017 14:45
@moe I think only if everyone voting selected one person instead of three, or no one voted--not confident on that answer though.
May 23, 2017 02:35
@Underverse You are welcome!
May 15, 2017 21:04
Trevor Seward and Waqas would be great moderators, Trevor already moderates the SharePoint sub on reddit.
Oct 26, 2016 20:06
@Taras great! good to hear!
Oct 26, 2016 16:44
you can look at the subject name of the certificate whenever you view it to see what url it covers. Is it a wildcard from the trusted provider or a specific URL?
Oct 26, 2016 16:35
Is the certificate you give to Office Web Apps the self signed or the trusted provider? Does it reflect the URL of the office web apps URL (External AND Internal)?
Oct 24, 2016 16:05
@Taras is the certificate a public cert or private cert? Such as, did you get it from GoDaddy or Digicert or another certifcate trusted provider, or did you create a self-signed certificate? Not sure exactly why it would work internally, but not externally. Can you provide a screenshot of what you are seeing upon first loading it externally?
Oct 21, 2016 17:46
Oh dear, I apologize. I see it. can you list your wopizone? if you go to your sharepoint server, open up sp management shell and type this in: get-spwopizone, what does it say?
Oct 21, 2016 17:02
in your internal url and exernalurl in the office web apps farm when you execute the command 'get-officewebappsfarm' it says not https://officewebapps.contoso.comis that right?
Oct 21, 2016 16:38
are you using https:// in your internal url and external url? It shows just the subdomain and no https://, can you change that, if that's the case?
Oct 21, 2016 04:35
if you are using SSL, you should set allowhttp to false. Also, can you put all that as an edit in your question, and delete these comments?
Oct 21, 2016 04:35
Is the WOPIzone using external-https? Run on the SP server in powershell get-spwopizone, also can you paste in the farm settings in your question from get-officewebappsfarm from your OWA server?
Oct 21, 2016 04:35
Do you have the externalurl set? type in get-officewebappsfarm and if there isn't an externalurl set, use this to set it: set-officewebappsfarm -ExternalUrl "https://<yourOWAUrl>"
Oct 21, 2016 04:35
SSLOffloaded means the SSL cert is given from the firewall or netscaler that you have inbetween as the middle man to the client user upon navigating. If you have the SSL cert on the office web apps server in IIS -> Server Certificates, you probably aren't using SSL Offloading. Use Set-OfficeWebAppsFarm -SSLOffloading:$false on the farm. If the binding didn't work, you wouldn't be able to get to office web apps at all.
Oct 21, 2016 04:35
If you go to your event viewer on your office web apps server, it may contain more information on it. Should be a category called "Office Web Apps", also, check your Office Web Apps logs here: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Data\Logs\ULS
Oct 21, 2016 04:35
is the certificate expired?
Aug 25, 2016 15:58
You can for document libraries, but not Issue Tracking lists. The powershell commands don't stick.
Mar 15, 2016 05:10
@Carson63000 that's a great point. conflicting advice from someone in-house, or even pressure from other end-users, etc..
Mar 15, 2016 05:10
Because he's a new employee and "doesn't understand the system"
Mar 15, 2016 05:10
I disagree, Expertise is what's supposed to protect the client. I haven't made my claim as to why, and he doesn't know all the pros and cons, but through talking be seem like a back and forth. I think according to the answers I need to only make one claim and back it with evidence and data before complying to whatever the client wants. Of course it's always the client's decision, but he's also paying me to show him all the angles.
Mar 15, 2016 05:10
But he's paying me to be the expert. As a consultant, I owe him the best recommendation in my eyes, looking to save money, increase productivity, allow supportability, and ease of use, etc.
Jan 28, 2016 19:49
You are welcome! Please star the chat message that helped you the most
Jan 28, 2016 19:32
make sure you are running the psconfig as an administrator or as the account you installed sharepoint with.
Jan 28, 2016 19:07
Yes, this needs to be started as well.
Jan 28, 2016 19:07
SPTimerv4 is a crucial service that syncs the server with the rest of the farm's servers. It should always be running on every SharePoint server. If One-Time jobs are in the definitions, they aren't running correctly. One-time timer jobs are created by SharePoint and the definitions are deleted after they run successfully.
Jan 28, 2016 19:07
Check the timer jobs and delete the one-time jobs, and restart the sptimer service, before you try to deploy again. You may need to reset the sp config cache, read here:…
Jan 28, 2016 19:07
Are all servers and db server on the same timezone?
Jan 28, 2016 19:07
haha glad i could help! Thanks!
Jan 28, 2016 19:07
Do you have a healthy Excel Services Service Application? I'd check the settings on that. Also have you tried restarting?
Jan 28, 2016 19:07
Can you run a psconfig? Running this command allows your SharePoint to detect required software that would otherwise be blocking the sync in the farm.
Dec 24, 2015 18:08
no problem! have a Merry Christmas to you both
Dec 24, 2015 18:07
Dec 24, 2015 18:07
nice save Erin!
Dec 24, 2015 18:04
good catch Erin
Dec 24, 2015 18:00
dev tools
Dec 24, 2015 18:00
no no
Dec 24, 2015 18:00
Dec 24, 2015 17:59
if you change the document version does the console show the errors?
Dec 24, 2015 17:57
yeah it's one of those things that it would be easier to get a look at it firsthand
Dec 24, 2015 17:51
what version of IE are you running?
Dec 24, 2015 17:47
does it work correctly with google chrome?
Dec 24, 2015 17:46
first jquery then jquery ui (if your are using it, then spservices
Dec 24, 2015 17:46
Do you load your javascript files in the correct order?
Dec 24, 2015 17:45
no problem :)
Jan 14, 2014 20:29
you're welcome!
Jan 14, 2014 18:39
thanks @BennySkogberg! Trying to clean up the unanswered questions.