Aug 28, 2017 06:12
@KeshavSrinivasan does outcast mean out-religion? If not, then eating onion should be allowed for people of other castes, right? is this restriction only for Brahmnas?
Aug 28, 2017 06:12
Where's the original Sanskrit quote that you have given? I see only English translation in your link. edit. found it here…
Jun 25, 2017 17:21
I like your answer but what if there was no father figure present in such incidents? What advice would you give to the girls in such situation?
Mar 1, 2017 09:33
@user11743 any update? You seem regular on the site, so may be you could update as to what happened?


Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Jul 9, 2014 07:01
hello, please see my answer and comment if there is something wrong
Mar 10, 2014 03:29
Mar 10, 2014 03:29
thanks, i ll thuink about that. i m writing code for personal use, so no other people. i ll read that essay that u linked to
Mar 10, 2014 03:23
thanks for input. accordign to that book, space is to be given to accentuate the precedence of operators.
Mar 10, 2014 03:17
can someone tell me what is the proper spacing for above statement
Mar 10, 2014 03:17
a = (float)sqrt(x / (float)y - b*z)
Mar 10, 2014 03:17
Mar 10, 2014 03:17
I am confused about how to cformat
Mar 10, 2014 03:16
Hello I am currently reasing 'Clean Code' formatting guidelines


General discussion for
Aug 13, 2013 06:33
I have asked this on math.SE. If anyone knows the answer please write. It's related to signal processing.…
Feb 26, 2013 14:18
I'm not sure. Just in case this comes as an embarrassment to her.
Feb 26, 2013 14:09
@DanielE.Shub isn't it possible that the student in question sees this question?