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Aniruddha Deb
JEE Chemistry Club
For Mathjax see:…
Aniruddha Deb
Apr 4, 2022 15:34
haha just hopped in after a long time :P got caught
Aniruddha Deb
Jul 1, 2021 09:50
@Maths at 400K, the water would exist as vapour.
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:11
no might be from a different class; We had kinetics and quantum chemistry in our first year physical chem course...
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:07
@Jayadithya Hm, really not sure... I think the vacant cation sites might be significant, haven't seen this kind of q before :/
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 04:59
sure xd
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 04:58
how's stuff at BITS? Online classes / extracurrics?
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 04:57
hey @SafdarFaisal long time :) IITD's great; acads are still challenging tho
Chemical Cataclysms
Stuff I am proud of doing (with help from others) \\ 1. A list...
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:33
cya around ✌️
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:32
Yep will do :) nice talking to you as always
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:30
@SafdarFaisal hm W3schools for basic HTML/CSS/JS ? maybe move on to a framework like angular/react after that
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:30
@SafdarFaisal ah nice.. we were planning to get dose 1 as soon as a slot opens up
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:28
it's ok tho, everyone is staying at home anyway so minimal exposure...
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:28
no my parents are below 45 and we didn't get any slots so far lol
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:26
at IITD we had a lot of people who got covid or lost family members, because most people from delhi and delhi was in a very bad state 15-30 days back
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:25
fortunately we've been healthy so far... what about you?
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:24
@SafdarFaisal not really, for people who had covid or had family members who got covid 2nd sem was not so good
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:24
@SafdarFaisal yes, compression = lot of pressure :/
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:23
I think vacations are till august 1, not sure
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:22
I have majors from 9th to 12th June, then summer vacations :D
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:21
when does second sem end for you guys?
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:21
okay if you do begin using it, I've sent you a friend req :P
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:20
@SafdarFaisal F
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:19
speaking of which, what's your discord ID? (if you have one)
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:18
game of life thing was also in pygame
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:18
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:18
also made a few discord bots
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:18
haha I had been working on this game of life thing a while back; into comp coding now
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:17
mostly (I don't do much though apart from coding, nothing's changed there)
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:16
hm good point...
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:15
lol lectures are recorded tho right
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:15
@SafdarFaisal ooof
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:14
wbu? BITS would have that zero attendance policy thing right? (not that it makes much difference in an online semester)
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:13
yeah most papers are alright though... marking still sucks :/
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:12
that was not a good experience :(
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:12
our electrical minor was a 2 part exam; clear the first part and you can sit for the second part. And then they cut the time from 40 to 30 minutes in the middle of the second paper
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:11
thing is profs have absolute control here, so some papers are hell and some are okay
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:10
time management is a bigger issue
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:10
hm I actually find it kinda easy difficulty wise :P
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:08
hostel/department/extracurricular whatsapp groups are where most of the socialization takes place; we have meets sometimes but not everyone turns up.
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:07
also some people (very few) were onboarded after/during first sem if they had recurrent issues
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:07
no we've just been assigned a hostel; we don't pay mess fees unless we're on campus
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:05
You have hostels right? Or have you not been given a hostel yet
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:03
BITSP CSE first year
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:03
also do you know M shashank reddy?
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:02
I've got so used to seeing when the other person is typing; its like picking up body language in a conversation lol. Covid batch issues
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:01
Also I just realized chem SE doesn't show you if the other person is typing
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:01
ah nice nice... we have DevClub and Algorithms and Comp coding clubs as well but I'm not much into them at the monent.
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 05:00
how are extracurrics tho? I'm into quizzing/debating here :P really liking it
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 04:59
same (I'm sitting in one right now)
Aniruddha Deb
May 31, 2021 04:59