Christian O. Knudsen

Oct 30, 2019 15:01
@jamesqf In my opinion, this sort of ties in with the "magnitude" issue I mention in my first comment (as with PlutoThePlanet's comment), I've added it as "Simple-5" so people don't have to look in the comments. This is an interesting theory, but I'm not sure I can think of any way to test it, do you have any thoughts on a method?
Oct 30, 2019 15:01
@Displayname They are, but the the list applies the same standard to all of it's entries. This is pointed out in "Simple-3" and I can't think of a reason why it would favour one party over the other?
Oct 30, 2019 15:01
@PlutoThePlanet This sort of ties in with the "magnitude" issue I mention in my first comment, I'll add it as "Simple-5" so people don't have to look in the comments. This is an interesting theory, but I'm not sure I can think of any way to test it, do you have any thoughts on a method?
Oct 30, 2019 15:01
@Joe True as that is, it does not explain the imbalance of the distribution of entries, if it was merely incomplete, you'd expect it to be as incomplete for Democrats as for Republicans.
Oct 30, 2019 15:01
@Studoku There were some legitimate reasons to put it on hold, that I've tried to remedy, hopefully it'll be seen as less divisive now, even if if no-one can come up with an answer (which I, of course hope someone can), just getting other peoples point of view might help me (and other readers) come up wit more likely answers than just taking the numbers at face value.
Oct 30, 2019 15:01
@Fizz I tried a different title, it comes off as more party-neutral, but, I fear that it just turns my question into a request for opinions, which I believe is not considered a good question, either.
Oct 30, 2019 15:01
@KDog The bias goes both ways, at least that's what the studies say, as pointed out in "Simple-4", if you have information to dispute that conclusion, or reasoning as to why these articles, in particular, are likely to be Democratic biased, please share.
Oct 30, 2019 15:01
@F1Krazy I'm hoping my wording in the body will, at least somewhat, counteract the partisanship, as I'm asking not for a simple yes or no, but an explanation for the numbers. A true partisan will still just answer "because they are corrupt" or "because the corrupt democrats are the source of the numbers", but I'm really hoping for some insight, or, at least, comments on my, admittedly simplistic, methods, before this happens.
Oct 30, 2019 15:01
@JeffLambert That distinction still leaves me with the same question, even if slightly more favorable to the Republicans, it still leaves them ~2.3x as likely as Democrats to be on that list.
Oct 30, 2019 15:01
@Fizz Do you have any suggestions as to a time-frame that would make this a reasonable question, my scripts can be adjusted, I just figured, the larger a data-set the better basis for a question?