@МикроПингвин Well, they teach Russian at some courses, probably. I am not sure we can recommend something specific, but have a look at our resources question here: russian.stackexchange.com/questions/833/…
It was deleted because it contains 3 questions in itself. It also suggests that we engage in a more or less heated discussion with you rather than answer the question. Figure out what you want to ask and ask it. If you want to discuss stuff, invite users you'd like to talk to to some chat and discuss the matter there.
@JorgeCampos I think that you can revive the meta question. Just formulate what it is that you are unhappy with and why. If the majority agrees with you, your rule will be included in our faq and will be the policy that the mods will be promoting. That is how changing rules work. The site is still young and flexible.
However, SX is not the whole internet. We cannot accomodate every question that related to Russian, but is not about the Russian Language. We have discussed a similar issue in this meta-question, there were different options, but none of them was upvoted or accepted: meta.russian.stackexchange.com/q/160
@JorgeCampos It is good that you say that you don't like something about the site and that you think it should be changed. There is no point in being frustrated in silence.
For questions on groups of languages or on some linguistic phenomena, you could use Linguistics.SE. I believe that if there will be more and more questions on some particular topic, e.g. language development and comparative linguistics, a SE site on this topic will appear. Or there already is such site somewhere.
As for the restriction that questions should be about Russian - the site is called Russian Language and Usage, there are other sites for other languages and if not, there must be forums on other domains about smaller languages.
@jorgecampos Can you tell me what you mean by "questions must be totally about Russian and only question English-Russian are allowed. What about relations between Russian and other languages?" (you said it in a comment to russian.stackexchange.com/q/1972)?
@theUg Down-votes can only be explained by those who left them. We encourage people to comment on the questions and answers that they down vote, of course, but we cannot make anyone but ourselves do so.
It seems I have lost 5 reputation points on Stack Overflow yesterday. The reason given in my history is "removed". On mouse over I get the message "user was removed". I don't understand what that means. What caused this?
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@theUg В смысле, что тексты в корпусе могут содержать орфографические ошибки? Это интересно, надо узнать, вычитывают ли тексты вручную перед добавлением в корпус... И потом еще это зависит от целей корпуса. Понятно, что в корпусе, созданном для исследования частотности орфографических ошибок, их не будут исправлять.
Let us look at 2 questions, one is "what does "у лошади в зубах цыган" mean?" and "What did the author wanted to say by describing a picture in such a weird way?". You may need references to support your point of view with respect to the second question, but you can answer the first one without any references.
@theUg I meant to say, some questions ask people to explain the meaning of words or phrases or syntactic constructions in some particular context, and they can be answered by native speakers without any need for references.
But as long as it is in progress, let us not force people to provide references for every question. something is telling me that not all questions need references, for example, it is hard to provide a reference as an answer to this question
Поэтому не совсем точно говорить, что то, как употребляет это слово Лермонтов, и то, как оно употреблено в примере "сообщает Блумберг со ссылкой на ..." - одно и то же.
Но мне кажется, что если кто-то говорит об источнике, знакомом с ситуацией, то он не может уже использовать это слово так, как будто речь идет о неодушевленном предмете.
Вы говорите: В том-то и дело, что и у Лермонтова, и в вашем случае ("источник информации") значение слова прямое, а не переносное, поэтому надо употреблять это слово как неодушевлённое. Ведь вы же не станете утверждать, что у Лермонтова и слово "собственность" тоже в переносном значении употребляется?
@texnic Do you mean translation of the site faq or of the Alenanno's post on meta? The second one already has a translation, the first one can only be translated partially.
@texnic Only the part of Faq that describes the contents of the site can be changed, not other parts that concern reputation, closing of questions, etc.