Wolfram Mathematica

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Jul 26, 2021 15:05
yes, e.g. through LinearOptimization
May 20, 2021 21:35
@kirkus not at the moment, but it is planned for 12.3.1
Jun 18, 2020 04:13
(yes, databases are being used actually)
Jun 18, 2020 04:12
Q: Workaround for DSolve in V 12 when it gives undefined as solution to 1D heat PDE?

NasserReported to WRI CASE: 4278450 Comparing the following, all done from clean kernel The strange thing is that V 12 can solve this same PDE without the assumptions k = 1/10; A = 60; pde = D[u[x, t], t] == k*D[u[x, t], {x, 2}]; bc = u[0, t] == A; ic = u[x, 0] == 0; sol = DSolve...

Apr 12, 2019 04:03
@kickert The cloud is running V12 now (the push was today, so I think any previous hiccups were unrelated)
Jul 3, 2018 19:44
@Nasser That's not really the right conclusion, the incompatible fontconfig update arrived in Arch / Manjaro only after Mathematica 11.3 was released.
Mar 18, 2018 23:12
@gwr I find the "unfortunate odor" comment a little offensive. People are welcome to scrutinize my activity on this site for the last 6 years as they see fit, but sorry, there are no hidden agendas or axes to grind.
Oct 19, 2016 18:32
@bobthechemist Some of the functionality works, e.g. RegionDifference[Disk[], Disk[{0, 0}, 0.5]] // Area should be fine. However, boolean operations on meshes are not supported on the Raspberry Pi at present.
Mar 16, 2016 21:40
By the way, it is documented that RegionIntersection is not implemented for mesh regions in 3D.
Mar 3, 2016 18:41
@Szabolcs We will look into this further, but my initial feeling is that CreateDirectory has not changed. What may have changed is the way OS X sets the umask for various processes (this question is vaguely related).
Dec 18, 2015 17:26
@OleksandrR. The trouble in that particular example came from "NelderMead". But implementing other mutators for "DifferentialEvolution" seems a good idea and I've put a formal suggestion on the books.
Dec 17, 2015 19:34
@kirma The RegionBounds bug is on my radar. The poor result comes from a numerical optimization method where NMaximize is getting stuck at a local maximum. Developers are looking into it and hopefully will make improvements, but in general always finding the global maximum is not guaranteed.
Sep 17, 2015 01:06
@halirutan definitely something to be fixed (the documentation, that is)
Sep 16, 2015 22:54
Maybe Head[General::stop] === $Off ?
May 22, 2015 15:50
@halirutan fixed in the development version
May 19, 2015 17:57
@MartinJohnHadley seems like an incorrect version requirement in the paclet, until it's fixed, perhaps try using 10.1.0
Mar 19, 2018 20:11
@JimB I had voted originally to close. Then the question got voluntarily deleted by the author. Then it was undeleted and substantially revised. Now there is even a thoughtful answer, so I retracted my close vote. Sorry, but the "Inc" does not participate here. Just people in private and unofficial capacity, on our own time. Yesterday's chat accusations of an evil cover-up conspiracy were just false and unnecessary.
Mar 19, 2018 20:11
It sounds more like a bug report to me. Also, unless there really is a common cause (which I have some doubts about), it might be better to not stick all examples in a single “question”.
Dec 12, 2017 20:14
+1 from me, this answer gives additional context that is useful. By the way, 275./6.*1.03692775514337 is a valid C expression so I simply assumed that's what OP computed. But I understand the point of view that it could have been any other code too.
Jul 12, 2017 18:25
You may also need to adjust the values of SystemOptions["ParallelOptions" -> "ParallelThreadNumber"] and SystemOptions["ParallelOptions" -> "MKLThreadNumber"] since by default they are based on $ProcessorCount which is likely incorrectly detected in your case. This can be done on the subkernels by using ParallelEvaluate[SetSystemOptions[...]].
Sep 5, 2015 04:33
have a good night/evening/day depending on your time zone
Sep 5, 2015 04:32
thanks for the kind words, we are all passionate about Mathematica
Sep 5, 2015 04:31
yes, until the next version is installed
Sep 5, 2015 04:31
restoring it later would avoid losing the activation
Sep 5, 2015 04:30
if you ever need to clear your $UserBaseDirectory, I'd suggest backing up the Licensing/mathpass file
Sep 5, 2015 04:28
and I am sorry for the inconvenience, this paclet was an unfortunate oversight
Sep 5, 2015 04:28
happy to hear it worked!
Sep 5, 2015 04:26
does the FE start now?
Sep 5, 2015 04:26
no, that's what the result should look like
Sep 5, 2015 04:25
and PacletUpdate["CloudObject"]
Sep 5, 2015 04:25
try the standalone kernel
Sep 5, 2015 04:24
ok, but now that you are activated
Sep 5, 2015 04:24
okay, this is good
Sep 5, 2015 04:23
hmm, this reminds me of a bug, is it possible you are using version 10.0.0?
Sep 5, 2015 04:19
hopefully you have the licensing information handy
Sep 5, 2015 04:18
that's some progress
Sep 5, 2015 04:16
and then try starting the FE again/
Sep 5, 2015 04:16
could you delete the Paclets directory
Sep 5, 2015 04:13
both locations are writable by Mathematica? do they contain anything?
Sep 5, 2015 04:12
you deleted both /usr/share/Mathematica and ~/.Mathematica ?
Sep 5, 2015 04:12
I do suspect the paclet issue I linked to, but there probably is something in addition to that
Sep 5, 2015 04:10
and the startup hang appeared just recently?
Sep 5, 2015 04:10
what version are you using?
Sep 5, 2015 04:09
sure, hopefully we can figure something out
May 14, 2015 15:48
Thank you! I try to contribute to the site a bit when I have time, but there are so many experts here who've provided thousands of great answers. I hope you find it useful and enjoyable.
May 14, 2015 15:39
yes, absolutely
May 14, 2015 15:37
feedback is always appreciated, and support can file suggestions to our development team
May 14, 2015 15:36
by the way, please feel free to send any functionality wishes or examples that could be improved to [email protected]
May 14, 2015 15:35
yes, DSolve is under active development