pip install Monica

Mar 10, 2020 14:27
You (and/or your insurance) will have to pay for emergency room services if you go to the ER, but you (or your insurance) won't be billed for the COVID-19 test itself. At least at this point, this seems like a distinction without a difference. How many people are getting tested for COVID-19 outside of emergency rooms in the US? It seems possible that the literal claim of $3200/test is false, but the spirit of it might very well be true (Americans avoiding professional treatment/testing because of the cost)
Feb 29, 2020 05:11
Note, I don't know why he didn't just play the part of the potential client himself... Surely because it's easier for him to pay attention to nuance and make his own notes if he isn't also having the conversation with you? Would you feel the same way about all of this if the actor had provided him with a transcript of the call? Or if she spoke with him afterwards about it?
Jan 8, 2020 23:53
@nvoigt I read his "no" as in response to your "There is no right to demote someone one-sided," and I agree with him. The employee could both decline the demotion and decline to quit, and the company could then fire them. That makes it completely one-sided. Regardless, I think it's more of a semantic argument. The general point that in at-will employment you're basically at the mercy of your employer is true.
Jan 8, 2020 23:53
@nvoigt I would imagine it works like this: "Hey widget maker, you can take a pay cut or we're firing you." I don't think Joe is suggesting anything else. I can't speak for South Africa, but at least in the US clauses along the lines of "... and other duties assigned" are exceedingly common.
Jan 4, 2020 11:46
@Jontia A few months ago Iran did declare CENTCOM to be a terrorist organization. Whether or not they try to (or could) kill an American general is anyone's guess: reuters.com/article/us-usa-iran-rouhani/…
Dec 24, 2019 12:46
I don't understand the -1s. It's a lie by omission to claim just that the trip cost more carbon than flying did (as the article does). "Yes, but" is not the same as "yes," and because the article claimed that reduced emissions was the Thunberg's mission it's false.
Dec 13, 2019 11:12
@pygosceles But that He did destroy large swathes of the world proves the point. You can argue the why all you want, but it's likely that a cult might wish to summon their god of destruction for exactly the same reason that there was a Flood.