Giovanni Febbraro


General discussion for
Dec 16, 2020 10:22
Please, I am very in trouble with a question related to Generalized Ising model! Can somebody help me?
Dec 16, 2020 10:21
the $Z_I$ in eq. 9.48 is not the $Z$ in equation 9.47. — Carlo Beenakker 37 mins ago

 The 2nd Monitor

General discussion about - Welcom...
Mar 1, 2020 16:08
Can anyone help me with a paper of Trudinger? i can pay..


Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Mar 1, 2020 16:04
Is there someone can help me with some paper of Trudinger? I can pay...
Apr 17, 2019 08:53
Can anyone explain me the way to proceed of Evans when it talks about the solution of boundary-value problem?

 Modern Abstract Analysis

For functional analysis, measure theory, and related areas. M...
Feb 28, 2020 10:29
Please, i am really in trouble
Feb 28, 2020 10:28
Can anyone help me with a paper of Trudinger? It's about maximum principle...