Feb 20, 2021 05:17
Feb 20, 2021 05:17
Okay. Thanks again! Let me know if you figure it out, and I'll do the same.
Feb 20, 2021 05:16
Also, because the total change in orientation is always 6 for disorienting twists, which is divisible by 3, the corner orientation is always divisible by 3.
Feb 20, 2021 05:14
Yep yep.
Feb 20, 2021 05:13
Yes, I agree.
Feb 20, 2021 05:03
I'm over here hacking away on my calculator. It's just too convenient that 3^8-48 = 6513.
Feb 20, 2021 05:03
All right. Thanks again for the help.
Feb 20, 2021 05:01
Feb 20, 2021 05:01
You mean that 4 of the sides change the orientations of corners with 90-degree twists, and 2 of the sides don't change the orientations?
Feb 20, 2021 04:54
I have various implementations of the RC, but I think this definition is most concise: github.com/benbotto/rubiks-cube-cracker/blob/master/Model/…
Feb 20, 2021 04:52
That's from Ryan Heise: ryanheise.com/cube/cube_laws.html
Feb 20, 2021 04:51
(And that definition is arbitrary.)
Feb 20, 2021 04:51
Any corner that has blue or green pointed up or down is disoriented by 2.
Feb 20, 2021 04:51
Any corner that has white or yellow pointed up or down is disoriented by 1.
Feb 20, 2021 04:51
If white is up top and red is front: any corner that has red pointed up or down is oriented.
Feb 20, 2021 04:49
So the total change in orientation is always 6 for 90-degree twists of faces that disorient corners.
Feb 20, 2021 04:49
From any state. Let's say that corners are oriented (0), rotated once (1), or rotated twice (2). From the solved state, moving the front face, for example, changes the orientations of the 4 corners cubies on that face from 0, 0, 0, 0, to 1, 1, 2, 2.
Feb 20, 2021 04:46
Does that make sense?
Feb 20, 2021 04:46
So 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 6, the change in orientation.
Feb 20, 2021 04:45
For the moves that disorient, two of the cubes are disoriented by 1, and two by 2.
Feb 20, 2021 04:45
Feb 20, 2021 04:42
I.e. none disoritented, or two disoriented by 1, and two disoriented by 2.
Feb 20, 2021 04:41
Yeah, and the number disoriented is always 0 or 6, right?
Feb 20, 2021 04:40
Feb 20, 2021 04:40
My program counts double moves as 1 turn, but no biggy.
Feb 20, 2021 04:39
Feb 20, 2021 04:39
That's just the orientation I picked in my program.
Feb 20, 2021 04:38
Mind if we use the convention white up top, red up front?
Feb 20, 2021 04:36
Hah! Same here, if you can't tell from the repo I posted.
Feb 20, 2021 04:36
Hey SpaceDisgrace. Thank you for your help.
Feb 20, 2021 04:35
Also, the 6,513 corner position orientations I mentioned are reachable in 6 twists. For all orientations of the corner pieces, the 2187 states are reachable in 7 twists. All corner arrangements and permutations (8! * 3^7) can be reached in 11 or fewer moves.
Feb 20, 2021 04:35
Ah, yes, sorry I misunderstood the God's number bit.
Feb 20, 2021 04:35
In the search I'm using I'm not doing any pruning other than obvious trivial pruning of redundant and commutative moves, like {L L'}, {L L2}, {L R} (which is the same a {R, L}), etc. So, the branching factor is roughly 13, and it takes a long time to iterate to depth 9. In roughly 5 hours I will have iterated through depth 10. Put another way, my program just hasn't finished depth 10 yet.
Feb 20, 2021 04:35
I have the code available online, and it has been heavily peer reviewed (github.com/benbotto/rubiks-cube-cracker), but extracting the code that I used to come up with the 6513 number would be difficult due to the amount of code involved (the search code, the pattern database, the rubik's cube models, etc.). In that repository, I've implemented Korf's optimal solver (God's algorithm), and Thistlethwaite's algorithm, and both work well. I'm working on an improvement to the latter, though, and I'm struggling with this part of the math.
Feb 20, 2021 04:35
I added a few code snippets above, for what it's worth. As far as searching, I basically just iterate through all possible combinations of moves and count the number of unique permutations (github.com/benbotto/rubiks-cube-cracker/blob/master/Control‌​ler/…).
Feb 20, 2021 04:35
God's number is 20. I use Korf's algorithm for that.
Feb 20, 2021 04:35
I came up with 6513 using a program that I wrote. I used an iterative-deepening depth-first search up to depth 9 (all combinations of 9 twists).


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Aug 2, 2019 17:54
I disagree with that statement in the comments, and further think it's worded in a rather confusing manner.
Aug 2, 2019 17:53
I have a bit of a debate going on in the comments section of an answer, and I'm wondering if someone with a bit more of a mathematics background can chime in. Here's the answer in question: security.stackexchange.com/a/161509/213456 The debate is surrounding a sentence in the "Interesting note" section at the bottom. It says, "a 1000 possibility combination lock, if guessed randomly, actually has a 1 in 630 chance of getting it correct."