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Mar 13, 2013 05:55
Mar 13, 2013 05:54
algebraic numbers
Mar 13, 2013 05:53
i was thinking about representing them as some polynomial that they are the root of, but it seems equally as trivial
Mar 13, 2013 05:53
well just basic things like a | b and b | c implies a | c and such
Mar 13, 2013 05:52
I have a quick question, i'm asked to prove some basic division facts about algebraic numbers...but i'm going about this the same way i would for integers...should i be doing something else?
Feb 22, 2013 22:30
its described in the first section of orbits and stabilizers :
Feb 22, 2013 22:29
quick notational question: for a set X and a group G, we have X^G which is the set of fixed points. Isn't this the same as the stabilizer? Why do we have both kinds of notation? I guess the only thing i can think of is that X^H would be useful if we wanted to look at H, a subgroup of G
Feb 20, 2013 05:34
@Alex thanks, I know that result. I just couldn't remember where to look
Feb 20, 2013 05:33
ok well replace Z and Q with different infinitely countable sets
Feb 20, 2013 05:31
I understand thats the bijection, but if simply know Z < X < Q, nothing more, is there some result that says that X has to be countably infinite if its between two countably infinite sets?
Feb 20, 2013 05:25
I have a quick question. Lets say we have a set between the integers and the rationals, X. Then Z < X < Q. If you want to show that X is countably infinite, then you can easily find a bijection to Z. But if we have some arbitrary X, then is there a theorem to use?
Feb 18, 2013 07:10
So then we know that the image of R is a subring of S so the map is injective
Feb 18, 2013 07:09
if I is the intersection of R and J, is it necessarily true that I = f^-1(J)?
Feb 18, 2013 07:03
So R/f^-1(J) is isomorphic to the image of R
Feb 18, 2013 07:02
I have a quick question about the isomorphism theorems for rings. I have R a subring of S and J and ideal in S. then let I = the intersection of R and J. I want to show R/I -> S/J is injective. I've set up a homomorphism R -> S/J and shown the kernel is the preimage of J