CA Trevillian

 Wolfram Mathematica

Welcome! This is the main Mathematica chat room for mathematic...
Jan 6, 2024 09:29
Requiring near-immediate satisfaction regarding Version 14.0, I found this to be of interest:…
Dec 18, 2021 04:47
@ThunderBiggi it seems like you’ve coaxed out a few issues thus far; personally, I would say you have enough to put a good question together with. In such a case as this, you don’t need a minimum “working” example, so much as an input and some expected output, and a general description of the desired use cases. Which you have these.
Dec 15, 2021 19:42
@kirkus where can one find more information on this? sounds interesting!
Dec 14, 2021 11:48
So far, I dislike the new way in which WRI has distributed this new version. I have been stuck on the first step of the first step of "updating documentation" now for quite some time, and this is just the download manager! Hoping it is my university's issue, and not WRI's.
Dec 13, 2021 18:59
@RohitNamjoshi 3:30 EST, so the LinkedIn says
Dec 9, 2021 05:23
I’m trying to find a link to some quantum computer simulation stuff that I saw posted by a wolfram employee on LinkedIn. It linked to some portion of the unreleased paclet repository, but I cannot find it again through normal means. Unfortunately, I did not think to save the post with the link. Does anyone have any information on this?
May 18, 2021 03:17 12.3 actually out yet or...? Seems like it’s a Wolfram Cloud only release so far, hey?
Dec 20, 2020 17:46
Does anyone have a method to replicate the behavior of FindPeaks or even PeakDetect, without using those functions? Something compatible with the infamous version 7.0 would really hit the spot...!
Dec 12, 2020 05:17
@ConservedCharge does it have an answer? If so, perhaps you might ask for clarification with regard to your now informed question that you edit to reflect being informed. If there isn’t an answer, edit your question to reflect being informed.
Nov 4, 2020 08:09
@user21 you're awesome!! I'm excited to see the benefits of this hard work!!
Nov 4, 2020 08:09
@123 error percentage is a different story entirely!
Nov 4, 2020 08:08
@123 regarding this in specificity, the software & associated algorithms are properties of WRI, so that is usually not something that users here have knowledge of. Specific questions about methods can likely be answered by a number of individuals here, but asking about specific algorithms they use is usually not a solvable task.
Nov 4, 2020 08:04
@halirutan oof. It's completely the USB connection. Yowza. WOW....welp. I will consider this many hours gained, and not consider my many hours lost! Haha! Yeeesh. Yeah, one Import costs me 0.0367 seconds now...thanks for your help :D:D:D
Nov 4, 2020 07:52
@halirutan I store it on an external ssd that is connected via USB-C (so, presumably ~5-10 Gbps transfer rate?)
Nov 4, 2020 07:50
Agh, sorry, having trouble with the formatting today. But that would represent 1 of the .mx files I am to Import, which takes something like ~5 seconds for me (still, this seems too long, or maybe I am asking for too much). Then I have maybe ~80x10 of these, which makes up the 160MB of memory.
Nov 4, 2020 07:48
this is true. The structure would be something like

Table[Join[RandomReal[{0, 1}, 6], {RandomComplex[{0, 1}, {3, 3}]}], 400]
Nov 4, 2020 07:16
@halirutan if it was just a matter of 3 seconds versus 0.3 seconds, I would not be concerned! But it just took me ~6000 seconds to Import the .mx files I am working with. Considering that it constitutes only ~162 Mb, I am thinking there is a better way to go about this?
Nov 4, 2020 05:03
@b3m2a1 I suppose that is true, it just seems like I’m being bogged down when using Import to load “many” files (~80x10, which does not seem like it should be considered as so large an amount to cause such a slowdown) due to the need to make definitions every time (according to the linked QA)
Nov 4, 2020 03:21
And it makes me now unsure of the most proper way to Export/DumpSave and then Import/Get lists of numeric data if not with an .mx file. What is the most proper way, considering that the lists may or may not be ragged depending on the method used & information included? Can anyone advise on this?
Nov 4, 2020 03:16
I’ve recently noticed this QA:
Sep 25, 2020 02:23
@LukasLang thanks that definitely makes sense. How do you recommend I can accomplish these sorts of difference operations? If I use Subtract to take the difference, I need to ensure that it threads such that I get lists of results of what the first case would give me. It seems overly complex for what should be so simple :/
Sep 23, 2020 15:12
This should be trivial, but it isn't? Or I have no idea what I'm doing. Both are possible.
Sep 23, 2020 15:11
Say, this seems trivial, but my small brain can't find anything simple, and what I thought would work definitely does not. I can't find any solutions that are well applicable to this problem either...basically I want to take a desired matrix, say `{{1, 0},{0,1}}` and compare it to a list of matrices to find some form of an error rate/measure of difference between them.

Subtract[Abs[{{w, x}, {y, z}}]^2, Abs[{{a, b}, {c, d}}]^2]

works but neither

Subtract[Abs[{{w, x}, {y, z}}]^2, #] & /@ Abs[{{{a, b}, {c, d}}, {{e, f}, {g, h}}}]^2
Aug 9, 2020 14:58
I’ll come up with some dummy code & post a MWE once I’ve given this at least 24 hours to run. I figured since reading in one of them was so “instantaneous”, that a multitude of them would not take so much longer! I’ll try Get & to see if excluding the directory lends better results! (I am on Windows)
Aug 9, 2020 14:51
I had a similar run of these that I included an incorrect parameter for (resulting in fails in the center), and I only made the Table of final results, which took maybe ~6800 seconds, and the export of which took only 44 seconds!
Aug 9, 2020 14:46
@kirkus I don’t need them all separated individually—apart from them being runs of different parameters, I was trying to do something that would be “crash proof” by exporting in pieces.
Aug 9, 2020 12:37
Still importing, whew...I'll have to change up how I do this in the future haha!
Aug 9, 2020 07:25
They’re on an m3 ssd drive connected via usb c
Aug 9, 2020 07:24
@CarlLange can you explain what you mean by If you catenate them? I understand what that means via say lists or something, but do you mean that reading in multiple mx files won’t work? I thought cutting them up like that (when exporting the data) would be best for crash proofing
Aug 9, 2020 07:22
@CarlLange they are all .mx files with variable length (the way I am reading them the largest files are in the middle of the table/list) but no larger than 200ish kilobytes. Each mx file ends up being composed of some n complex 3 x 3 matrices
Aug 9, 2020 00:14
Is there possibly some way to better use Table? I can’t seem to find a solution for this, but I’ll wait to see the final time of Importing all of the files, hoping it will be quicker than how long it took to export them (~24 hours!), before I make a question on it
Aug 8, 2020 22:31
Is there an efficient way to Import many .mx files? I’ve got slightly less than 200K that I have created via Export, but using Table or even ParallelTable with Import seems to take an egregiously long time. Each one is only 10-200ish kilobytes, so I wouldn’t expect it to take so long. Any advice?
Jul 25, 2020 10:48
So actually Plot works just fine, but ListPlot does not like my definitions of ColorFunction--I'd just like to assignment to range over the min/max of the visible portions of the curve, like what is done automatically in Plot. Hmm. This seems like it has a simple solution, but is just barely not obvious to me.
Jul 25, 2020 08:48
Ah, I'm just now realizing that I want to color based on what is visible in my chosen window...that seems less than trivial, no? I could always go to a ListPlot instead of Plot, but it would be nice to not need to do this...where'd I put my thinking cap?
Jul 25, 2020 08:43
Any tips?
Jul 25, 2020 08:43
I'm trying to plot a set of lines where each one has a different ColorFunction applied to it. And perhaps I'm just a bit rusty, but I can't seem to get this solution to to work. That is, I want to use a Blend, defining some fixed points to influence the color placement, and I only get, say, purple, when I want to gradient from red to blue, for example.
Jun 20, 2020 11:54
@CraigCarter sounds like an interesting question! If you can provide something of an expected functionality and your attempts at realizing it, I think that would be a great question! I imagine you might need some sort of extra wrapper or to pipe the defined association into some function that adds the keys to some sort of temporary user defined autocomplete keys context?
Jun 20, 2020 11:50
@Nasser ah! For whatever reason I thought these “soft” updates were delivered in some different manner. Many thanks!
Jun 19, 2020 23:03
I didn't get an email which is strange
Jun 19, 2020 22:50
How do we update to 12.1.1?
Jun 12, 2020 20:48
@LukasLang awesome! I'm excited to test it out soon :D:D:D
Jun 5, 2020 03:10
Q: How can I replicate the pseudo-3D style of this excel plot?

CA TrevillianI have the following code: students=List[List[DateObject[List[2016,1,1,0,0,0.`],"Instant","Gregorian",-4.`],DateObject[List[2016,9,1,0,0,0.`],"Instant","Gregorian",-4.`],DateObject[List[2017,11,1,0,0,0.`],"Instant","Gregorian",-4.`],DateObject[List[2018,1,1,0,0,0.`],"Instant","Gregorian",-4.`],...

Jun 5, 2020 03:10
Say, this question is kinda neat....not fishing for upvotes, just some answers I can feed with upvotes P;
Jun 3, 2020 03:17
I saw recently a QA regarding something like artificially mimicking the style of the 3D bar charts, but I can’t seem to find it through the obvious channels. Can anyone provide some advice on this? I believe it was some problem with labeling, and maybe kglr or b3m2a1 recommended making the 3D style from scratch.
Jun 3, 2020 03:13
@J.M.'stechnicaldifficulties a-ha! Makes sense. I’m not too up on names, so I’ll have to look around at more work from them.
Jun 3, 2020 03:12
@b3m2a1 it must depend on the time of day and weather outside then! I think I’ve got it...?
Oct 24, 2022 06:53
Unless I am mistaken, the long time is at least partially due to the printing of the result. I suggest to suppress the output with a semicolon & then work with it from there.
Jun 16, 2020 11:33
I wonder if we might find some workaround using custom menu commands? I note that the default designation comes up explicitly mentioned within a menu. Even when I change the init.m and the default value does indeed come up as Default.nb, but the default cell style is still that of the WANE default. Even changing the default cell style within the options menu, forcing it to be "Input" had no effect. And I may need to do a re-install hah :o
Jun 16, 2020 11:33
Wow this is strangely tough! I deleted my earlier comment. It's now installed. I thought maybe something with CurrentValue might be a bit of a workaround, but I've yet to have success. Though I can automatically change the DefaultStyleDefinitions, it doesn't seem to matter in regards to WANE.
Jun 16, 2020 11:33
Shouldn’t you be able to input something like SetOptions in the init.m file?