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Apr 18, 2019 21:53
@userr2684291 There seem to be odd little trends happening inexplicably around here 😉
Apr 18, 2019 21:52
In my experience, into is the most common in British English.
Apr 16, 2019 13:14
@userr2684291 Oh, it works. It's not a familiar phrase, but it follows the pattern of common metaphor and idiom enough that people would get the gist - but you'd have to say more for them to understand precisely what you meant.
Apr 16, 2019 11:56
@CowperKettle "are widely quoted" or "have given rise to common expressions", with different in nuance.
Apr 15, 2019 13:27
@ColleenV I always called them tally marks, and have also heard them called scratch marks.
Apr 15, 2019 13:25
@CowperKettle No, not even when limited to that sense of manual. Manuals often contain a lot more than instructions - reference guides, specifications, that sort of thing. I've had products that had separate "instruction" leaflets and thicker "manuals".
Apr 8, 2019 16:21
Apr 8, 2019 16:08
@ColleenV Yeah, I get that, I just find it a little sad - as in prompting that emotion - that people feel that way or have that experience. Ah well.
Apr 8, 2019 15:14
@ColleenV I guess that's kind of sad...
Apr 8, 2019 13:31
@CowperKettle Lovely.
Apr 8, 2019 13:30
Wow, that's the most rep I've lost at once for a user being removed...
Apr 7, 2019 16:44
@CowperKettle Okay, now I'm worried about the medical profession... "endorse" does have some other meanings, close to that and rather more distant, but none of them work in that situation.
Mar 31, 2019 20:32
@userr2684291 I think police may be a slightly unusual case. Can't imagine why they would be, though.
Mar 31, 2019 19:36
@userr2684291 The whole "organisations plural/singular" thing is, I think, a matter of tendency on both sides of the Atlantic, rather than clear blue water between the dialects.
Mar 31, 2019 19:34
@userr2684291 Definitely non-standard to me.
Mar 30, 2019 00:47
@ColleenV I'm sure you're right, but couldn't explain why, either...
Mar 29, 2019 12:03
@userr2684291 What about cows with guns?
Mar 29, 2019 11:29
@userr2684291 thx
Mar 28, 2019 21:06
@userr2684291 Thanks for fixing my brainfart.
Mar 28, 2019 14:48
@CowperKettle Or it's missing a question mark.
Mar 27, 2019 17:09
@Jeef 👍
Mar 27, 2019 16:04
Ah, there's an English word to introduce people to... hazing
Mar 27, 2019 14:50
@ColleenV Presumably belated happy birthday!
Mar 26, 2019 00:32
One of my many hats is as an educationalist of sorts, and I'm a big fan of the idea that engaging as many modes of thinking when you learn makes the learning work better.
Mar 25, 2019 21:20
I immediately thought that we use hand gestures when teaching little kids stuff... but I think secondary school kids would feel right tits if they were being told to make hand gestures. Though we did use gestures when learning gauche, droit and droite in French. Can't remember any other time we did, though.
Mar 23, 2019 16:28
@userr2684291 Personally, I usually remembered things like that better if I understood the why, not just the what.
Mar 22, 2019 19:54
@snailboat Yeah, I sometimes get just aura, sometimes just pain, and sometimes both. Rarely, because if I notice the aura I can take tablets and they mostly let me skip the pain. Still get the postdrome, though. Other tablets allow it to be skipped much more thoroughly, but I don't fancy stomach ulcers so don't use them unless I really need to.
Mar 22, 2019 18:46
Tablet taken, it'll resolve sooner or later, and hopefully won't get full-blown.
Mar 22, 2019 18:14
Bah... no more answers for a while, migraine aura coming on. How is everone?
Mar 19, 2019 16:12
I sometimes think how odd dialectal idioms must sound to people not familiar with them. I just said "that's the bunny" to someone on FB, and I know they'll understand it, but it must sound weird to anyone who doesn't know it. You can work it out from context, but it must still be weird.
Mar 18, 2019 16:57
Absolutely, it's something we need to consciously work against.
Mar 18, 2019 14:58
The use of a handle with "captain" probably triggers more deeply ingrained gender assumptions. Very hard to train oneself out of.
Mar 17, 2019 12:15
@CaptainBohemian I was just making a flippant response to the actual text, no comment on grammar :)
Mar 17, 2019 09:35
@CaptainBohemian Except when they're your boss...
Mar 16, 2019 19:45
I've had the occasional reply to a warning that was like "yeah, you're right, my bad. Thanks for keeping things in line here." It's rare, though.
Mar 16, 2019 19:34
People do dislike the rules being enforced, sometimes.
Mar 16, 2019 19:33
I do sometimes worry I'll run into someone elsewhere on the internet with a grudge against me for moderating 2K's forums (their own ones, and the Steam forums for some 2K Games).
Mar 16, 2019 19:20
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Thanks. Wasn't sure what I should flag to get attention - would rather not have been talking about it publicly like this.
Mar 16, 2019 19:15
Okay, the vast majority of my downvotes really seem to coincide with the time of activity of one user... not that I'm bothered by the downvotes themselves. If I did care about rep (which at this point I don't, particularly - I've got enough to have access to what I want access to, and then some), it wouldn't matter because a handful of downvotes doesn't stop me hitting the cap each day. It's the idea that someone would do that that bothers me.
Mar 16, 2019 18:46
So there are APPGs on serious policy areas, like climate change or the middle east or whatever, and then there's an APPG that's a male voice choir, and I think there's one for real ale appreciation.
Mar 16, 2019 18:45
The nearest businesses or foreign governments usually get to paying money into anything to do with politicians is them funding junkets for All-Party Parliamentary Groups. And APPGs have no real influence at all - they're like student societies at university, but for MPs (and peers, possibly, not sure about that).
Mar 16, 2019 18:44
Well, we heavily limit (though not always as effectively as one might hope) the involvement of business in politics here.
Mar 16, 2019 18:03
I don't know enough to know what's going on, I just know what's possible (regulations can cause that sort of problem), and what people claim. I don't judge whether they're right, because I don't know enough about the specifics. We don't have that problem so much here in the UK.
Mar 16, 2019 16:25
@userr2684291 They also have significant regulations if someone wants to be a new producer of a generic drug, I understand.
Mar 15, 2019 18:26
The overregulation that people claim isn't on prices - it's on the production of the medicines. I don't know enough to know whether there's a valid argument there, just that there is the potential for overregulation in that sphere.
Mar 15, 2019 16:56
(nb: I'm about as far from laissez-faire as you can get, but I still know there's such a thing as too much regulation)
Mar 15, 2019 16:55
If it's too difficult for a new entry to join the market to offer a drug - because of the necessary inspections, certifications, etc - then you end up with effective monopolies without any need for patent protection or anything. You want exactly the right level of regulation to ensure quality and safety and no more.
Mar 14, 2019 16:15
But I certainly agree with that feeling.
Mar 14, 2019 16:15
I always felt like that was because of the moral dimension to being wrong, while incorrect could just mean mistaken.
Mar 27, 2019 14:50
@DavidSiegel I notice you missed Cambridge from your list... their online help page shows that they use sb and sth in the way many learners seem to experience.