
Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Jan 27, 2019 19:33
anyone have any good resources for propositional + first order logic for people who are new to it and want a comprehensive curriculum?


This room is meant for discussion about logic, including found...
Jan 27, 2019 19:05
@user21820 Looking through these posts, I don't think they are very beginner-friendly. They presume more knowledge / familiarity with certain jargon up-front and are simply going to whoosh over everyone's heads, and I say this as someone who's already familiar with propositional logic!
Jan 27, 2019 05:25
I have trouble telling apart definitions from axioms because they often seem to similar
Jan 27, 2019 05:20
Different sources tend to use slightly different inference rules but the overall idea is the same
Jan 27, 2019 05:19
I have a good idea of how to use propositional logic yes
Jan 27, 2019 04:56
@user21820 Not quite, currently looking for good resources to learn it
Jan 27, 2019 04:20
Can anyone explain what it means to "axiomatize" something as opposed to "defining" it?