I'm not making any claims as to which word is best, I just wanted to point out the spelling in some of the existing literature on schobers in algebraic geometry :)
There's no technical reason whatsoever to not implement this again, it's just that it would take me 1 or 2 whole days to get it as good as I want it to be, and I don't feel like spending that time.
I did notice some silly issues with comment links: comments are on a separate page, but whenever you see a link to a comment it will link to the tag page. I'll fix that soon.
@SaalHardali We've opted for staying close to whatever happens in the pdf when it comes to emphasis. I think we'll leave it as it is for now. If it really bothers you then you can use a local stylesheet to restyle <em> to be bold.
Although it's not if the Stacks project contains so much material which was not written by Johan. But Kerodon is not meant to be contributed to in that way.
That is a community project in the sense that everyone can contribute by commenting, but it's not like the Stacks project where everyone can contribute material.