The Restaurant at the End of the Univ

General discussion for, both on-topic ...
Feb 11, 2020 10:55
@Mithical thanks. Got a little research to do first but should get it posted today.
Feb 11, 2020 08:12
Good morning all. Just one quick question, is it ok to use a screen grab image in a question on SE or only public accessible images? I have an e-comic I want to use an image from but as it is from AmazonPrime I technically don’t own it. Thanks.
Jun 13, 2019 14:38
Maybe everyone is too busy watching SciManDan.....or is that just me??
Jun 13, 2019 14:36
@fredsbend sorry to hear that, it does get a little disjointed and the quality jumps from HD to poor 80s VHS but it worth the watch. Still working on my cast list.
Jun 10, 2019 19:14
@fredsbend @DavidW re mobile messaging Im beyond useless with anything more complicated than a corkscrew!! Unsure about casting of the Baron, Kenneth McMillen was fantastic, didn't like TV version of him either. Will have a think about it and get back to you on a main cast list.
Jun 10, 2019 16:19
@Jenayah yeh replying from mobile and not at home. Will be back in a few days. Thanks.
Jun 10, 2019 12:41
Sorry don't know what's going wrong. Meant for Napoleon
Jun 10, 2019 12:41
@NapoleonWilson the Lynch film needs to be given credit for what it is. Hardly any film resembles the original draft so why should an adaptation be any different. Herbert was involved in production and spent a lot of time with Lynch and that should be taken into account. DV version will be interesting!!!
Jun 10, 2019 12:40
@Marvin the Lynch film needs to be given credit for what it is. Hardly any film resembles the original draft so why should an adaptation be any different. Herbert was involved in production and spent a lot of time with Lynch and that should be taken into account. DV version will be interesting!!!
Jun 10, 2019 12:38
@Marvin the Lynch film needs to be given credit for what it is. Hardly any film resembles the original draft so why should an adaptation be any different. Herbert was involved in production and spent a lot of time with Lynch and that should be taken into account. DV version will be interesting!!!
Jun 10, 2019 06:20
Link is for fan edit with lots of deleted scenes making it closer to what Ltnch wanted and closer to book, if you've got a spare 3 hours.
Jun 10, 2019 06:19
@fredsbend @Jenayah only Dune news is usual web stuff. Not sold on all the cast and I am a shameless fan of Lynch film.
Jun 9, 2019 21:06
@Jenayah got a ping from you re Dune but don't remember why? I was trying to get someone a link to a fan edit on YouTube but can't figure out who. Not doing well am I???
May 30, 2019 20:26
Malicious was correct. I'll be honest and fair, promise! That's the MCU question out there, I await your edits!!
May 30, 2019 20:02
@Jenayah thanks I'll have a look thro some old questions, probably a few from yourself!
May 30, 2019 18:30
No worries. Thanks. Will get question posted soon.
May 30, 2019 18:27
Yeh I know. 2 of my recent questions blew up because of the edit. I was going to suggest being able to pass reputation point from PO to editor as thanks for the improvement. Do know if that would work?
May 30, 2019 18:20
Thanks. I'll get on to it asap. I'm sure I'll see one of your names in the edit. (Smile)
May 30, 2019 18:16
Yeh. I haven't got it ironed out yet but would that be suitable? I have only asked one question that hasn't been edited yet (and childishly proud of that)
May 30, 2019 18:14
i knows it a bit all over the place with so many possibilities but been watching Hulk Vs and Planet Hulk and can think of abou 3-4 films with shades of them in them
May 30, 2019 18:13
Is there a definitive list of comics/cartoons etc that influenced the MCU story's?
May 30, 2019 18:11
Hi everybody! I have a question I would like to ask but not sure if it's too vague or just too many possible answers. Would I be able to float it here before the stack?
May 24, 2019 16:01
The most modest place in the internet!!
May 24, 2019 14:55
@Jenayah @DavidW sorry to upset, let me clarify. I have a few 100 DVD, BluRay and VHS etc and you guys have the Library of Alexandria, the Jedi archives and the Oracle of Delphi!!! It's a compliment
May 24, 2019 13:08
@Jenayah thanks. I have a pub quiz knowledge at best and there are a few of you (Lethal, user1411, Valorum and yourself) can be intimidating. (Smile)
May 24, 2019 11:10
@Mithrandir Got it!!! Ta much!
May 24, 2019 08:36
On phone just now but will keep in mind. Ta
May 24, 2019 08:28
May 24, 2019 08:28
No worries. Thansk
May 24, 2019 08:24
Has a look at the comments between user1411 and myself if you have 2 mins
May 24, 2019 08:24
Ok. Reason for asking is my question about Ghostbusters arcade games, the addition would be 'is the term video game American?' off topic to be its own and would just be for fun
May 24, 2019 08:20
Is it ok to edit in an additional question to and existing one if it doesn't change the context of it?
May 24, 2019 07:19
@Jenayah morning! Re 3 strikes, not literally but something like not loosing points on first few questions? Just an idea, I have lots of the and usually terrible!
May 23, 2019 23:03
@Alex @Jenayah Thanks. Keep on keeping on!
May 23, 2019 22:59
@Jenayah from Marvin, just curious is all
May 23, 2019 22:54
Also why to you put links to questions on here, is it just to bring to everyone's attention?
May 23, 2019 22:53
Hello, if I can maybe suggest a 'newcomer 3 strikes' of sorts? This is my first time using something like SE and fumbled my way around (still fumbling) and found some of the "dupe" and "put on hold" a bit harsh for a newbee...
May 23, 2019 14:47
Just popped on to say thanks, I await being told I'm wrong/stupid another time. Have a good day everyone.
May 23, 2019 14:45
Nation Higher Qualification? Dumbed down way of giving people a 'Higher education' I think.
May 23, 2019 14:43
Ha can't even get that right!!
May 23, 2019 14:40
This is all over my head, I watch films and read comics. What does NHQ mean?
May 23, 2019 14:33
@TheLethalCarrot thanks for your advise earlier. I'm still finding my feet on SE as it the 1st time I've been on anything like this.
May 7, 2019 20:04
@Jenayah I had to walk away as really got my back up but k is that my typical response wasn't suitable for SFF.
May 7, 2019 20:00
@Randal'Thor ok. thanks. Keep saying this but I'm still getting the hang of the site. This is the 1st time being on anything like this!
May 7, 2019 19:55
Had downvoted, made an accusation then deleted the comments.
May 7, 2019 19:54
Thanks. Had a bit of hassle from someone (thePop...something) how was
May 7, 2019 19:45
Hello everyone. Looking for a little help/advise about a question I asked earlier.… It seems there isn't a canon answer to it so should the question be closed due to this as it would the be a matter of opinion? Thanks
May 6, 2019 13:45
Hi @Jenayah
May 6, 2019 13:25
@Stormblessed I'm new to TV show but the misses is mad on it, she was up at 2 am.
May 6, 2019 13:22
Hi @Stormblessed I take it we keep it clean here?! Trying to avoid GoT ep4 stuff as wasn't getting up at 2am for. One word answer, good yes or no?