i want to say that $M/something$ has smaller length than $M$. So $M$ is generated by two guys, $u$ and $v$. The idea I'm told to consider is that you want to find a submodule of $Ru$ which is simple, call it $Ruy$. Then considering $M/Ruy$ has length less than $M$
i was looking at an argument which inducts on the length of a module. one supposes $M$ is generated by two elements, so that $M=Ru+Rv$. We want to show that $M$ is actually cyclic, generated by one guy. But the argument goes that $Ru$ has merely finite length
Let $M$ a module over $R$ generated by two elements, $u$ and $v$, such that $M$ has a finite length, say $r$. It is trivial to say that $Ru$ has length 1, no?
if $I$ is a compact interval are integrals of functions $f\in C(I)$ continuous functions of $f$? Is the integral a continuous operator? Does that even have meaning?