Game Development

Game development and other polite discussion. Game development...
Aug 11, 2016 17:59
Ok thanks.
Aug 11, 2016 17:58
So, identity matrix -> translate by aheadPosition vector -> multiply?
Aug 11, 2016 17:58
As in, in what matrix row/column?
Aug 11, 2016 17:57
The quote:

> So instead of taking the ahead position, multiplying with the inverse of the view matrix, then using it in the model matrix, we do it in a slightly different order:
Take the ahead position, **plug it** into the model matrix and then multiply with the inverse of the view matrix.

What does the **text** mean in this context?
Aug 10, 2016 15:19
Not intentional. I swear.
Aug 10, 2016 15:18
Aug 10, 2016 15:18
------------------- whoosh
Aug 10, 2016 15:18
Aug 10, 2016 15:15
@Bálint They are like paint. You mix then up by the weight value of the 4 facings a 3D object model can have, and you just need to consider how much facings it needs to be applied to get the right orientation facing.
Aug 10, 2016 15:12
Thanks. Finally!
Aug 10, 2016 15:08
Alright, so the process is:

1. Do whatever necessary rotations you want in quaternions.
2. Convert quaternions to a rotation matrix, R.
3. Do whatever position delta calculations you want and apply it to Mtx_Translate() to get translation matrix, T.
4. Get model matrix, (RT).
5. Pass model matrix into vertex shader.
6. Do MVP, so it is [Vertices * (RT) * V * P] =output.

Aug 10, 2016 14:51
@AlexandreVaillancourt No direct calculations? Ok.
Aug 10, 2016 14:48
It seems to be using OpenGL in C++
Aug 10, 2016 14:48
I'm just playing around with devkitARM and Citro3D, and writing games for emulators.
Aug 10, 2016 14:47
Not using any known framework.
Aug 10, 2016 14:43
Hello. Does anyone know how to apply rotations in quaternions to objects?

 Root Access

For all you Super Users out there. You have backups, right?
Feb 28, 2016 07:36