Oct 30, 2024 22:11
I think the level you're casting the spell and expected CR of the enemy/party level are a big factor here. Any answer to your question is going to vary wildly based on this, due to the (poor) scaling of the 2014 version.
Jun 29, 2022 14:54
Not trying to put the OP down, but there is an argument going the other way. If you're someone who likes to RP and come up with eloquent speeches in-game, yet dumped your Charisma stat and have, say, -1 to Persuasion, then its tricky to reconcile that. You may be persuasive but the character clearly isn't (same as trying to play a very Intelligent/Wise char can be tricky sometimes!). Personally, as a DM, I often call for a roll but with advantage if the player role-plays a good argument.
Mar 3, 2021 16:29
How high a level is your party and how many temp HP does this actually give them? Are you finding this is unbalancing combat too much? Making encounters too easy?
Jan 13, 2021 16:13
@BobTway Agonising Blast specifically allows the Warlock to add charisma bonus to Eldritch Blast damage (similar to how a weapon normally gets strength/dexterity bonus to damage). And a warlock can usually stay out of melee quite easily if supported by allies (and depending on environment).
Nov 24, 2020 14:30
@NautArch I do not get that option on a question closed as a dupe
Nov 24, 2020 14:29
So I'm not allowed to answer, because its closed as a duplicate. Yet I'm not allowed to comment as to why the question is a dupe because that counts as an "answer". Great. Don't know why I bother.
Feb 25, 2020 15:44
@MaxColledge: Think you are putting brackets around the wrong parts of the phrase. Despite English ambiguity I think it is: "Choose a (pile of bones or a corpse) of a Medium or Small humanoid within range."
Feb 13, 2020 21:51
Isn't "attacked by magic not exerted by the environment" a nebulous way of saying "affected by a spell"? And am I right thinking the bow only has any effect if the spell causes damage? (In other words "Whenever you take damage from a spell...").
Feb 5, 2020 17:18
Perhaps better phrasing would be to say that a "glancing blow" does not count as a "successful hit" for the purposes of any feature that requires such a thing, e.g. sneak attack etc?
Nov 20, 2019 17:11
Reach could be quite powerful, but I'm confused by the "long limbed" trait (apart from the 'odd' number of 4 feet): If the creature is only 4'4 with arms trailing 5" above the floor, that gives them arms probably not much more than 3' (depending on the height of their shoulders). This is...not very long, and certainly not enough to give them an additional 4 feet beyond the average!
Sep 3, 2019 15:55
@KRyan: Not saying its impossible, but I think Theik has a point in that any discussion of differences won't be that useful without a much wider discussion of context. E.g. Wildshape in 5th edition might look much less powerful on paper than 3.5 if you don't take into account the wider rule changes regarding the way the numbers scale differently etc and even comparison/balance with other classes
Sep 3, 2019 15:55
Do you have access to either, both or none of the books? (Plus, just to note that the 5th edition Druid class and one of its sub-classes is freely available in DnDBeyond)
Jun 28, 2019 09:33
Have you encountered actual balance issues in your game with spellcasters and non-spellcasters? Have you had non-spellcasting players complain?
Jul 26, 2018 21:37
Your description implies that the people of your world are aware of other worlds where the gods do exist and have influence? So what happens if people of your world worhip gods anyway? Do they still get their magic? Do they explicitly NOT get their magic in this case, but only if they believe in spirits, other entities or 'forces and philosophies' as per KorvinStormast's answer below?