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Dec 25, 2020 13:11
Ok I have a song id. I just can put the name on it.
It's an old rock electronique song. I don't remember anything except. The music does "Ou baou baou baou".

 The Water Cooler

General chit-chat for Feel free t...
Dec 1, 2020 10:50
@Lilienthal , thanks a lot. I will review this SO question and a few on ask a manager
Dec 1, 2020 08:37
Hi everyone!
Do we have question about public shaming?
My context is Manager asking "Who did this XYZ?" For every mistake and forcing people to denonciate with continiuous ping to every one, one by one on the public hangout till one take responsability.

I did a "site:workplace..." public shaming. but found nothing revelant. But as Im not a english speaker I probably don't know the proper word for this.
Jun 5, 2019 13:50
Un titre pro de niveau 1? ou 2. Je peux avoir l'intitulé?
Jun 5, 2019 13:43
I was not sitting on this one I just happend to had it as my mother was defending her.
Jun 5, 2019 13:40
@Twyxz , France as stated. The 26Y old girl is from reunion iland. The court rulling the deal was Marseille. And the situation was far from ideal. that was the best agreement we could had on this case. But she has an salary with no raise, nor bonus, as it's a full time job she can't have an other one that is not self employed or in the same field.
Jun 5, 2019 09:56
@magi , I personnaly had a case of a 26 yo girl that will be payed until retirement for a job she is no longer needed to attempt. A simple private mail, lead to a firing, in the negociation process the employer agree to have her back and she agree that she won't have to be working to be paid. It was a quick solution that reduce the cost and the media exposure.
Jun 5, 2019 09:53
In the firing process employee and employer may enter in war mode. Both would look for a way to gain money / not loose to mutch. And will go to court as the gain could easly be few month to years of pay as a free bonus. I do understand the need of protection against this.
Jun 5, 2019 09:40
I don't know if it's a cultural issue or an issue with my communication skill. But does those rules about privacy look unbearable to you in a professional context?
Apr 4, 2019 11:44
Henri Joyeux is a doctor. Not anymore. Then a doctor again. To mutch exposure , it's really not worth it
Apr 3, 2019 07:18
Morning everyone.
Mar 13, 2019 08:47
We choose to amazom primed him with 10 child book about basic hygiene and Haribos. And a card asking if quarantine was enought or if he need us to nuke him from orbit. I Don't know what war look like but we were decimated
Mar 13, 2019 07:36
Well, Yesterday one guy was sick. we have fingerprint/biometric and RFC badge on almost every door. Now we have 30% of people calling sick this Morning(only 20+ and counting). How to professionally tell the patient 0.. that he is a "petit con" Don't know any kind English insult.
Feb 18, 2019 15:52
Btw so many charity on twitch those day. What's the catch? Does the streamers declare those as donation to reduce their taxes or it's just for publicity?
Feb 18, 2019 15:47
Build a new office in paris, ask you to give more to replenish the emergency fund… At least Goshn gave to <strike> his sister</strike> charity.
Feb 18, 2019 15:42
There is donation and donation, I don't donate to companies that fight global hunger with 76M$ in bank and has open letter from all around the world of guys on the field trying to get the food and logistic. When you Watch the taxe declaration of the most famous one it's quite incredible.

 The 2nd Monitor

General discussion about - Welcom...
Nov 23, 2020 15:32
@Mast, I send a mail about using real name? Will not be able to edit without validation.
It's "real code" just renamed from

I'm not contesting that's it's not real code. I'm defining in where Im believe I m on the fake code ladder. I'm re-reading the meta and will try to edit more context and comment into the code.
Nov 23, 2020 15:17
Wait did you find the code in the question unreadable? Will it help if I used Cat or anything real (car / animal) isteand of single letter?
Nov 23, 2020 15:13
@Mast, Erp methode name where long. And entities name are all 25+char.
Nov 23, 2020 15:13
@Mast, The code looking for refactorisation is working. My try to refactor is not.
Nov 23, 2020 15:12
The not working yet refactorisation try is a big stack of : delegate/interface/baseclass/Func/Action
delegate V ERPCreator_Delegate<T, U, V>(T input, out U output);

private void Creator<T>(
ERPCreator_Delegate<ProcessableEntity, string, bool> AXCreator
, Func<T, string> baseError
, Func<int, bool, bool> Cancelator
, Func<int, bool, bool> Validator
, params T[] items
) where T : ProcessableEntity, IDbItem
Nov 23, 2020 15:03
Posting hit so You have a clear view. To long for tchat. But Im here for any feed back if it need anything or not fit
Nov 23, 2020 14:59
Hi§ I have a refactorisation question. It boils down to 300 lines of code with 30% of simple interface class definition. I have try to refactor on my side. should I had the broken try or not? Code was a working piece of code edited with 'rename' methods and redcing it from 1300 lines to a single iteration of the repetitive code.

 The DMZ

A serious place where infosec is discussed PS we don't do hard...
Sep 17, 2020 07:17
Does someone remember if there were a out of bound patch on Win10, and when approximately?
Sep 17, 2020 07:16
Hi everyone!

 TRPG General Chat

Main chat room for tabletop role-playing games. Anyone can ask...
Mar 10, 2020 15:23
@AncientSwordRage, I good link i will be reading it.
Mar 10, 2020 15:12
Main site.
Mar 10, 2020 15:12
I have wrote my stand alone Deadland campagin and want to DM it. The catch is.. I already leave twice due to panic attack.
Mar 10, 2020 15:11
Are question about 1rst time Dm welcom here? do we have cannonical ressource for those?
Feb 25, 2020 20:26
On earth your major issue is radio signal. They are everywhere, you can build a normal radio with a speaker and some copper wire. It's a 9 years old DIY. Radio and gps will be avaidable everywhere. No matter what you choose warp it in few layers of plastic bags.

 The Restaurant at the End of the Univ

General discussion for, both on-topic ...
Jan 2, 2020 14:55
Is there an easy way to verify plagia for short story? I'm puzzle by a story my gf has a copy for a 12th grade student about "An old camera that take photos of a pinguin with a gun that come closer to the lens". While the idea is somehow quite common the style is too complexe for a 12th grade.
Apr 2, 2019 11:57
@Jenayah , perhaps the downvote came from someone that has already watched it. And don't want to have memory of it. Or someone is just mad you ace every story identification. on this easy one you could have let them a chance. Or assume miss click. Downvote are just like downvote, the expression of love and care.
Apr 2, 2019 11:53
Hi, ivry body.
Aug 19, 2019 19:18
Can it be cure with lobotomy and shock therapy? If you don't have the technology for Shock just hand wave Magic shock therapy.
Aug 9, 2019 13:27
Only a fool will pay or sponsor The Fools Guild. I don't know how they found so many of them! Hoo, Oh! It's clear now!
Aug 8, 2019 03:23
@Willk, Stoping player from wandering out of the main scenario is common in most rpg. No matter if it's an island or a magical kingdom. But stoping people from leaving an iland is somehow common from Worldbuilding… to Tomb Rider
Jun 28, 2019 20:04
I believe that the second the patch that stop death go live. Every drug cartel, terrorist, millitary, gouv will notice. After 2-3 hour, shit go crazy, people in need of power now have a game changing power. they can inflict as mutch pain as they want without killing. Have you an idea of the rate of murder in the world? People are already running stress test against your patch for century.
May 10, 2019 11:53
With humour, one can ask for a recipe for the 5 dollar payment. Then ask for defrayale by the company.
May 8, 2019 09:56
And car lighter are use every day to set little paper on fire. And hot enought pan will set a book a fire, especially if you put the book on the edge.
May 8, 2019 09:56
Well if you failled to ignite your phone book, You can check its doneness by trying to trearing it appart. If it break like a chips, it's well done.
May 3, 2019 14:37
Does the 5th wave count?
Apr 30, 2019 15:25
What is this bootcamp thing? How long is it 2, 3, 5, 8 years? Are you comparing university or company that are walking you into a project in 10 to 20 Week? Because if we are talking about private company I can tell you that the "Better than" is nothing more than sell bullshit.
Apr 12, 2019 12:35
Account deletion and previous comment deletion. Comment about legality move to chat
Apr 3, 2019 12:33
@rkeet, you mean getting out with a copy work related mail? Backing up all your mailbox is borderline.
Apr 2, 2019 09:54
According to Dr. Stone at least 100 more chapters. Dr Stone is a manga where a smart kid try to rebuild the world after the word beeing petrified for 5000. Turn out for building tech related stuff, starting from stone age or medieval is pretty mutch the same.
Mar 23, 2019 00:38
Why does so many super heroes have the same human girlfirend archetype? I'm not even trolling. I don't see the point of the question. You are not asking for the difference between two things but questionning one as an other does already exist. If we change superheros name or change the focus a little bit the question is "grotesque"! Hopefully, Comics author saw the issue before you and try to reduce the number superman copy by destorying his home planet.. A shame so many survived.
Mar 23, 2019 00:38
The premise of the question is just wrong. How mutch similarity is enought to label things as useless an not needed? Can someone justify the existence of all those useless humans that share so mutch similarity: same no power, same story (have issue, need to be save etc..) Is there any use to have multiple exemple of them? Is there any characteristique difference in the pool of people that were save of a plane crash by Superman?
Feb 22, 2019 13:34
Any precendent of Monkey or Hamster getting a diploma? I'm aware of dogs and cats but judging by the number of monkeys you have I'm surprised you didn't get a nobel price yet!


General discussion for If you have a q...
Feb 14, 2019 13:51
With no uefi. My unique point is "more recent that 2011".