Mar 30, 2024 16:30
It seems to me that its a bit of a coincidence that so many of the physical relationships are natural numbers when I don't see why he couldn't have been something like $1/r^{2.3}$. If this were the nature of things I don't think we would have just developed a different numbering system that then makes these natural: say with our new system being 2.3, 4.6, etc.
Mar 30, 2024 16:30
Non-philosopher here, but to me this doesn't seem to address the fact that we have natural numbers that seem impossible to not invent. You start with a single base number and take multiples from there. That seems disconnected from the scaling powers of physical laws: $\propto \frac{1}{r^{1}}$, $\propto \frac{1}{r^{2}}$, $q^{2}$, etc.
Feb 21, 2019 18:53
@dan-klasson "Which directly doesn't apply to the U.S, but if you factor in that the U.S presidents that get elected directly represent these people, and those who don't stay in line gets assassinated. It pretty much fits the bill perfectly" Source?
Apr 21, 2018 02:48
Very nice! I think I might steal some of this for the actual game as well. My code is a little... messy and this is very clean. I wasn't expecting that much of a difference. Interesting. With that in mind, how do you think scoring should work? In my mind the increases should become less between 1st and 2nd. Maybe something -> 6pts, 5pts, 3pts, 0pts. So more weight is on not dying first?
Apr 21, 2018 02:48
@Chronocidal Awesome. I'm going to start working on this tonight.
Apr 21, 2018 02:48
@Chronocidal I figure it would be information pushed to the terminal and people return the number they want to add. I think the infor passed would be the history of numbers added, players remaining, and the current count
Apr 21, 2018 02:48
@Chronocidal I like that idea. I think the fewer players in each game the more control is granted to the player and allows for more strategy. I think that's a far better idea!
Apr 21, 2018 02:48
My first thought was to have have n! Games averaged. How dis you imagine the smaller games working?
Apr 21, 2018 02:48
@user202729 It was mostly conjecture. I always assumed there was to limited amount of control over the game to be able to develop strategies. As I was thinking it over today though, I believe there could be some interesting designs. So I think I'm going to try and get the KOTH to work.
Apr 21, 2018 02:48
@NotthatCharles 1. Yes the next available bot will play 2. Didn't think of that I'll edit post I suppose it should be the same format as the examples
Apr 21, 2018 02:48
That would be correct
Apr 21, 2018 02:48
@NotthatCharles Specifically on that turn, the bot will not output the numbers 9, 10, 11
Apr 21, 2018 02:48
If someone would be able to do that, it would be cool. I think there may be a bit to much randomness in the game for it be a true challenge though.