Apr 26, 2021 18:54
Honestly, anything inside of 300 yards is considered practically point blank for your average infantryman, and your average Marine is expected to make the majority of the 500 yard shots he takes to pass rifle qualification. The process to train men to shoot like this only takes about a week.
Jun 7, 2018 02:33
Theres a dedicated core of users who basically only have an account so they can downvote and close other's matierial. When you end up on the top 5 users list for the stack they follow you around like fleas trying to cut you back down to size. They dont contribute much content and prefer to harass others on semantics rather than actually contribute. It gets frustrating.
Jun 6, 2018 21:27
I got into a heated debate with Molot a few months ago and pretty ever since he shows up to downvote, delete, or close pretty much anything I post.
Jun 6, 2018 21:27
Ours kept inviting himself on missions in afghan. Pissed everyone off because then we had to organize a mounted satellite patrol, locals would go berzerk whenever he got out of the truck so we had to dedicate a PSD team to keep him from getting murdered from some pashto tribal who thought he was trying to cast a spell to taint the harvest or some other such superstitious crap.
Jun 6, 2018 21:27
The US Army Chaplain Corps aren't detaining people and enforcing laws. They are also strictly regulated as noncombatant personnel. Everybody hated bringing a chaplain along on missions in Afghanistan because it made the locals go berserk and meant we had to divert a lot of manpower towards protecting him. They're commissioned officers, sometimes of high rank, and they would sometimes invite themselves on a mission. Was a huge pain in the ass.
Jun 6, 2018 21:27
I'm story boarding and writing up a vague outline/synopsis right now actually.
May 17, 2018 03:17
Today? You mean "has always had to face" right? Because people with no creativity or talent of their own have ALWAYS stolen bits and pieces of popular art and culture to illustrate and highlight their own agenda.
May 17, 2018 03:17
You got a point. I'm also not trying to rip on Tolkien too hard, I'm sure we got lots of "facts" today that will be seen in an equally negative light 100 years from now.
May 17, 2018 03:17
The person who asked the question didn't understand what the phrase "Tolkien style" races means or how they work. I think an explanation as to why Tolkien's races worked the way they did serves to clarify the answer better.
Apr 18, 2018 03:18
The problem with reaching a "pinnacle" in evolution is overspecialization. A good example is the panda. It has no natural predators and a plentiful food supply it has to do very very little work to get. so why adapt aggressive breeding strategies when it will just waste energy? It is the apex of its environment. Environments change, often more rapidly than can be adapted to. Becoming the pinnacle of something means a dead end when the environment that supports that adaptation set changes.
Mar 15, 2018 17:02
How big is this tower?