A serious place where infosec is discussed PS we don't do hard...
Nov 30, 2016 12:24
@JourneymanGeek I don't think so, they'll just hand the responsibility down the chain to the comms providers, much like they did with internet connection records (ICRs)
Nov 7, 2016 12:00
Which is entirely implementation dependant.
Nov 7, 2016 12:00
If you advance any pointer past the end of the memory it refers to, then read or write at that pointer, then a segfault may occur.
Nov 7, 2016 11:33
Each of those algorithms can be implemented correctly or incorrectly. Whether or not you get segfaults is down to how buggy your implementation of an FSM model is.
Nov 7, 2016 11:30
@user2284570 They do. There are several algorithms that can be used to implement FSMs. FSMs are a mathematical object that must be modelled in a computer.
Nov 7, 2016 09:11
@user2284570 Whether or not an arbitrary program segfaults is down to the implementation, not necessarily the algorithm it is implementing.
Nov 2, 2016 16:36
@zack6849 Don't ask to ask, just ask. Someone'll be along eventually.
Sep 5, 2016 10:55
@Lamia I think both are important, but forensics could be more lucrative. Most companies just want rid of malware, whereas assigning liability is usually quite a high priority
Sep 1, 2016 15:25
@Xander thanks :-)
Sep 1, 2016 14:53
@Aria Good, cheers :-)
Sep 1, 2016 14:49
So, one could reasonably deploy HSTS without HPKP and not require a back up/offline key in case of loss or compromise?
Sep 1, 2016 14:48
This is partly why I'm a little confused, my reading of the specs indicates that HSTS and HPKP are separate. HSTS just makes sure that the connection is over TLS, where as HPKP makes sure that an expected public key is seen. However, a few places seem to use HSTS and pinning as if you can't get one without the other.
Sep 1, 2016 14:44
Isn't that HPKP, not HSTS?
Sep 1, 2016 14:19
That is, clients aren't going to freak out seeing a different key.
Sep 1, 2016 14:19
@Aria That's fine, but HSTS doesn't imply any form of key pinning, right?
Sep 1, 2016 13:39
Very quick question: If I enable HSTS, then lose access to the private key, what happens to clients? Do I just need to provision a new key on the same domain, or do clients pin the key?
Jun 10, 2016 18:56
Ah ha, it appears to be known as suffix-MAC, and this particular variation is definitely broken.
Jun 10, 2016 18:10
I've been given a scheme, and I was wondering if there's a name for it (aside from "broken"):
Jun 1, 2015 11:15
@RоryMcCune Go Go gadget Go!
May 27, 2015 15:41
Alternatively, have I lost it :-p
May 27, 2015 15:40
@ThomasPornin Am I thinking of Astronomical Time (abbreviation unknown)?
May 27, 2015 14:36
(I may be mis-remembering)
May 27, 2015 14:36
UT0 is based on measurements of distant quasars and so on.
May 27, 2015 14:35
iirc, GMT is slowly drifting out of sync with UT0.
May 27, 2015 14:35
@RoryAlsop nah
May 27, 2015 14:32
UT0's where it's at.
May 26, 2015 16:35
a deep-fried toroidal piece of dough
May 26, 2015 14:12
Oh wow. That's something to behold.
May 22, 2015 15:35
Yea. I totally agree that Fx's is poor.
May 22, 2015 15:20
*That the message you showed on Fx is very unclear.
May 22, 2015 15:17
With Chromium, I think the message is perfectly clear. I agree that the Fx on that you showed is very unclear.
May 22, 2015 14:42
Oh, it's the term used when everyone wants to leave their mark on a project, so they try to change something. It came from an observation that, when building a bike shed, the most lengthily arguments were over irrelevant things, such as the colour.
May 22, 2015 14:40
I think changing Chromium's wording would be basically bike shedding at this point.
May 22, 2015 14:39
I can't comment on IE
May 22, 2015 14:39
it needs to be something like "insecure connection: {primary reason, easily understandable},\ndetails: {cipher suites, cert details, etc}"
May 22, 2015 14:38
Yea, it looks like TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 is the "broken" bit
May 22, 2015 14:29
May 22, 2015 14:20
what's that all about?
May 22, 2015 14:20
"(null)" ??
May 21, 2015 11:41
@raz oh yea, "SSL/TLS won't cut it"
May 21, 2015 08:40
Good morning !
May 20, 2015 15:35
I mean, I know it's pretty bad, but I doubt that the (in)security of TLS is a serious threat, as opposed to say, the developer themselves.
May 20, 2015 15:35
> SSL/TLS won't cut it
May 20, 2015 15:34
Q: Best Cipher for Client Application to Web Server

SteadyI am making a Application that requires a login. I'm using a HTTP Server for accounts. My question is, what is the best Encryption/Hashing/Cipher to use in this case ? I know that SSL/TLS won't cut it, as they are pretty weak on their own. What's the best to use ? I use C# (Client) and PHP (WebSe...

May 20, 2015 15:33
@raz that question is quite bizarre
May 20, 2015 15:31
Also took the opportunity to put AES-128-GCM as the preferred mode because I likes me some tiny improvement in performance.
May 20, 2015 15:30
ehn, I just uni-laterally disabled DH in favour of elliptic curve DH.
May 20, 2015 11:27
Although, I suppose, comms, downtime management, change control, etc. could easily spiral.
May 20, 2015 11:26
... isn't it just locate and upgrade the 2 affected servers?
May 20, 2015 09:42
Has anyone used nmap's ssl-enum-ciphers?