Mar 30, 2018 03:50
@Jedboo, that's exactly what I said. As long as the war wasn't in their territory, and didn't go on too long, it could be very profitable for the winning country.
Mar 30, 2018 03:50
@Jedboo England got rich once it learned how to fight wars in other peoples territory. Europe got rich when it did the same, and became poor when it fought on its territory. France before 1800's was rich in land but poor in cash because it was getting into a war every generation or so with major powers, after the Napoleonic Wars when it became peaceful it became rich, then WW1 happened. Spain fought many wars in other countries or colonies, and was earning money hand over fist from American gold, then it got hammered in the Napoleonic Wars and lost almost everything. War is bad business.
Mar 14, 2018 05:45
Head shots. Even if it doesn't penetrate a shot to the skull can kill through brain trauma. Or shoot them in the chest and as they reel in surprise and pain get in close lift their shirt and shoot or stab them in the gut, neck or face.
Feb 7, 2018 16:45
@kingledion the question was how recently a god could be born. Considering the difficulty of getting a large continuous group of worshippers over a period of generations in the past, the best and easiest time to do it is in the last 100 years. Little religious persecution, mass media allows reaching a large audience, weak religious institutions, and a fast changing world. You get someone with the right message and temples, a priesthood, etc could easily come about.
Feb 7, 2018 16:45
Now would be a great time for new gods to arise. Look at the alien abductee cults, the growing flat earthers, Slenderman, the number of people that believe in fairies, big foot and nessie. With the ever increasing media, and especially now with new media, you can get people who want to believe in something mysterious and bigger than themselves together as a group creating new myths and legends with every message and Youtube video.
Feb 2, 2018 19:06
@T.E.D., I would find it surprising if her parents agreed to a job. However it might work. And if it doesn't, her asking in a reasonable well thought out way might, emphasis on might, get her parents to realize she's growing up and not ten anymore. My other ideas for her situation are not nearly as reasonable, even if I think they'd be more effective. She wants to maintain a good relationship with her parents, discussion is the only way to do it, since her parents don't seem to want to have one on rules, this is a way to get it started on another foot.
Feb 2, 2018 19:06
@Mehrdad yes I realize that some parents don't want their kids to have jobs. I never said my answer was perfect, just that it might help. If she can show her parents she is planning for the future and wants to be independent responsibly, it could help her overall situation.
Feb 2, 2018 19:06
@CarlWitthoft If you had read my full comment, you would have seen that I gave advice on the homework/bedtime separate from a job.
Feb 2, 2018 19:06
@DavidStarkey, I'm in complete agreement. Which is why I had trouble with the eroding trust argument as well. If she lays out the reasons having a job will help her in the future, and after successfully getting that asks to get a phone and a tiny bit of free time between school and work, it seems very reasonable to me. She's not sneaking around about it, she's doing extra work to achieve the freedoms, so unless the parents are abusive control freaks, there is no reason for them to get angry or feel betrayed.