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 TRPG General Chat

Main chat room for tabletop role-playing games. Anyone can ask...
Oct 5, 2022 05:06
I know questioning a downvote is usually a bad idea, but something about downvoting a question from a new user that got posted to the wrong stack feels off
Jan 4, 2022 21:03
@Exempt-Medic I... never realized that was something I could do, but now it seems completely obvious
Nov 13, 2021 03:32
Nov 13, 2021 00:14
Also I looked at the race writeup, and its subraces were all "who was your other parent?" and included tiefling
Nov 13, 2021 00:12
Well I feel better now! Thanks
Nov 13, 2021 00:12
Ah, didn't see that. That's better
Nov 13, 2021 00:10
No, just feeling like I (or we) accidentally chased them off
Nov 13, 2021 00:09
Nov 13, 2021 00:08
did the half kitsune querent delete their q?
Nov 11, 2021 23:04
@Ben I'm barely familiar with the artist but I already love the image
Nov 11, 2021 23:03
@Trish If it's an answer to this question, I think it's a doomed effort, hence my vtc
Nov 11, 2021 23:00
@Trish Now that I've looked at it... If you feel that it's a serious enough issue to act on, and the other party won't hear you (both of which I think are the case here), that seems like it's time to flag down a mod. It could just be that they're not open to pushing the issue in comments
Nov 11, 2021 22:54
Wow that was timely... :P
Nov 11, 2021 22:52
Yeah this is why I VTCd and moved on
Nov 11, 2021 22:51
Nov 11, 2021 21:10
@ThomasMarkov grats!
Nov 7, 2021 20:26
They're also new players, but I can keep this in mind for later
Nov 7, 2021 20:22
@Trish I could sit on the answer until I can test it, but I don't have a high level party to challenge with them
Nov 7, 2021 20:04
The problem is that the implementation of said solution is something I haven't tested at all, and I'm not fully clear if that makes it unsupported.
Nov 7, 2021 20:04
So here's my dilemma. I can draw on real-world, personal experience with a particular way a game dealt with Contractual Boss Immunity in the sense that 5E's Legendary Resistances are meant to evoke, in a way that does almost exactly what Red Orca is asking for in this question.
Nov 7, 2021 20:01
Nov 7, 2021 17:41
The basic idea is to make Legendary Resistances go from auto-success on the saving throw to instead allowing a reroll, but to give more of them - exactly how many is the subject of said math
Nov 7, 2021 17:34
and it requires math I'm just now starting on! XD
Nov 7, 2021 17:32
@Akixkisu I have an idea, I just don't think it would be well-suited to an answer as it's completely untested and just something I just came up with
Jun 5, 2021 19:28
Alright... thanks again
Jun 5, 2021 18:49
It's starting to sound like the only thing I could have done was not post that meta
Jun 5, 2021 18:39
@doppelgreener others like?
Jun 5, 2021 18:27
@doppelgreener so if I'd called it best practice, instead of policy, it wouldn't have been nearly as infuriating?
Jun 5, 2021 17:24
@Medix2 And I'm not sure what that is a symptom of - is it the best practice which is incorrect and needs updating, is it something that can even be objectively correct or is it a decision about which values we're going to uphold and at what cost, etc...
Jun 5, 2021 17:16
@KorvinStarmast I have no problem with calling them best practices, that's fair enough, but I don't see how that changes much else
Jun 5, 2021 17:02
mxyzptlk's comment was something I initially had wanted to reply to by recounting all the disagreement there had been over the past week as evidence that 'just leave it up to the community' was in some sense not working. My understanding is that the whole point of policy is to address those conflicts and get everyone's deeds, if not their thoughts, in the same direction to minimize those conflicts
Jun 5, 2021 16:57
I might also be thinking differently of what 'policy' even means on RPGSE
Jun 5, 2021 16:48
You did say in your answer that there's no popular support for the position anymore, but we did have that minor edit war in said linked question, so even if it's not a majority or plurality of people, it's still someone
Jun 5, 2021 16:46
@doppelgreener thank you for this, I've had a while to cool down and sort my thoughts out, and... maybe it would help if I said the question is primarily for the folks among us who still support the 'wait until system tagged' approach? That the question I linked about PF2e introduced an edge case they hadn't thought of?
Jun 5, 2021 16:06
I get that this is how strongly you feel about it, but can we please avoid biting each other's heads off over it?
Jun 5, 2021 16:05
But getting told twice that I shouldn't have posted that meta in the first place - and by the person whose side I was taking by posting it - had me this close to just deleting it and walking away from the site for a long time
Jun 5, 2021 16:04
I'm sorry if I sound completely off-base by saying this
May 8, 2020 02:10
I wonder if the drive-by that we just had could have been handled better
Feb 4, 2022 01:25
@GroodytheHobgoblin I would say this is what's mainly holding the question back. If you're asking the question, it should be about your problem with your games, not on behalf of others who might not even be having the problem.
Aug 15, 2021 20:10
Huh, learn something new every day
Aug 15, 2021 20:07
@AmethystWizard ... the author can cast repoen votes on their own closed questions? That seems off...
Aug 15, 2021 19:45
There you go, then. You've just answered your own question.
Aug 15, 2021 19:45
This isn't a service accounted for by the game, though. This is a complication (market scarcity) that you've brought in from IRL. By RAW the answer is either 'you find a caster, and Raise Dead has this component costing X gp' or 'you don't find a caster', without middle ground.
Jan 11, 2021 18:20
@gnasher729 As the accepted answer says, what's wrong with both?
Jan 11, 2021 18:20
"if and when it happens, deal with it" Putting aside the completely unsupported 'act as if they don't mean what they say', how would you even do that? Do you just side with them completely in the moment and bring up their incidental G-ism out of the blue later?
Dec 31, 2020 18:18
@Eddymage You're probably running into this issue then.
Dec 31, 2020 18:18
@Eddymage I'd advise you do the opposite, to put them back in. They're not what's generating confusion here, if anything they're insufficient. Instead, expand on what mechanical issue you're running into that hinges on how you interpret the word. From what I was able to see, it looked like a question was something like "How does grouping more monsters into a given group initiative roll affect..."
Dec 31, 2020 18:18
@Eddymage Alternately, if you're finding that there really isn't an underlying mechanical issue that this question is intended to address, if you're purely asking about the definition of the word without such regard for the system it describes, that'd be a question for English Language Learners SE (I think).
Dec 31, 2020 18:18
What problem are you having where one interpretation or the other would matter?
Dec 26, 2020 23:38
Be careful when talking about "[not] needing X". There's always at least an implied "for Y" to follow it, and Y can vary a lot. Trying to lock down the meaning of needing X, independent from Y like this, really doesn't make sense.