I found a vector of weight $(\mu_1, \mu_2)$ but am not sure how to proceed. I know every representation of $\mathfrak{sp}_4(\mathbb{C})$ is totally reducible.
Let $\mu_1 >= \mu_2$ be two natural numbers. Let $S = \mathbb{C}^4$ and let $A = \mathfrak{sp}(4,\mathbb{C})$ the complex symplectic Lie algebra of $Sp(4, \mathbb{C})$. Let $V$ be an irreducible representation of $A$ of highest weight (1,1). I need to prove $S^{\otimes(\mu_1 - \mu_2)}\otimes V^{\otimes \mu_2}$ has a irreducible sub-representation of weight (mu_1, mu_2).
Can someone give me a hint how to compute $[M_{g} ,S^{2}]$ where $M_{g}$ is the surface of genus g and $[M_{g} ,S^{2}]$ is the set of continuous maps from $M_{g}$ to the sphere modulo (free) homotopy ? My hint is to use the Cellular Approximation theorem. I know both are CW complexes.
What does it mean that the functor from Set to Grp sending a set to the free group generated by it commutes with pushouts? what do I need to show? that given a pushout (P,i,j) with i,j the pushout morphisms, we have F(i)F(j)=F(j)F(i)?
Hi, I am trying to prove that the operator $X\mapsto \mathcal{L}_{X}g$ is a closed operator when working on a compact manifold. I know I need to limit my domain so that I will have a Norm space into a norm space, since the space of smooth sections over a manifold is not a norm space. Is there a way to do so?