Jul 14, 2018 22:54
@HLGEM I know comments are way to long already but I just wanted to say +1 and thanks for mentioning that there is a cost for every choice made. Way to many people these days don't want to admit that. Thanks for showing that at least one other person out there is sane.
May 10, 2017 11:24
@JonathanReez, You find them an annoyance, most of the rest of us don't. As a worker in the computer field HopelessNoob mentioned, I gladly take every holiday I can. Not to mention, some of us are still religious for whatever reason we deem important in our lives and so while I don't give a fart if you spend the day shopping, skiing, or flying to the moon, I still want to observe Christmas for more traditional reasons and spend it with my family.
Mar 18, 2017 12:14
@OldBunny2800, both have a... unique status in the US. They are much more akin to territories of the US then parts of the US themselves. Like the Cayman islands to the UK. I would not say visiting the US is the same as visiting Puerto Rico or the American Samoa.

 Hub of Reason

General discussion about skeptics.stackexchange.com
Jan 6, 2017 18:31
@Oddthinking, @Anna, the other Mod here Sklivvz is seriously off the rails after our discussion last night he went through my answers and posted this and downvoted my answer. skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/34270/…
Jan 6, 2017 02:23
but alright whatever
Jan 6, 2017 02:23
Those aren't facts their click bait, facts have meaning.
Jan 6, 2017 02:20
Or do you want to be quoted: "Mom, mom, Israels a worse country then Iraq was, they broke all these UN sanctions while Iraq only broke half that, it's true I read it on a fact checker site."
Jan 6, 2017 02:17
The purpose of the site is to apply scientific skepticism to claims correct? The science of historical claims involves context and should provide education not mere numbers that seem to make a bad claim true.
Jan 6, 2017 02:15
Of course they think it's in their best interest, but as someone who studies history I also look back and think why? and where did it lead and look at other context heading into the future
Jan 6, 2017 02:09
Also as a historical note violating 242 led to the first peace treaty between Israel and Egypt in 1979
Jan 6, 2017 02:09
They did recall 242
Jan 6, 2017 02:08
I would think that "disproportionate amount of time criticizing Israel" would be being unfair to them
Jan 6, 2017 02:06
Everytime I've said General I've meant the Secretary General
Jan 6, 2017 02:05
I see where it got crossed
Jan 6, 2017 02:05
Jan 6, 2017 02:04
huh? Ban's not Israeli and you brought up word of Israeli general first lol
Jan 6, 2017 02:01
United Nations secretary general Ban Ki-Moon on Friday said that the UN has a "disproportionate volume of resolutions, reports and conferences criticizing Israel" while delivering a statement marking his ten-years in office.
Jan 6, 2017 02:00
Someone supremely placed to know if the UN spends large amounts of time on Israel or not.
Jan 6, 2017 01:59
Also he's not acting as an Israeli general in that capacity he's acting as the 10 year Secretary General of the UN
Jan 6, 2017 01:57
That one isn't a trap
Jan 6, 2017 01:56
I didn't give an interpretation I just said what it did.
Jan 6, 2017 01:55
That's not opinion that's fact it's online go read it
Jan 6, 2017 01:55
Wait? what's my opinion? the 242 info?
Jan 6, 2017 01:47
Do you know what some of those resolutions are? like the infamous 242? It demanded that Israel give all land it had occupied back to the 6 different nations that invaded it in 1967 during the 6-day war. Despite the fact that it put 90% of Israel's population in Artillery range of those nations and none of them would sign a peace treaty with Israel for another 12 years, not to mention they would invade again 6 years later...
Jan 6, 2017 01:33
And there is evidence, in the Generals Quote
Jan 6, 2017 01:33
Currently you are expressing your opinion to keep something that would shed historical context on the situation and a better light on Israel out of the answer originally posted.
Jan 6, 2017 01:29
which many of those were
Jan 6, 2017 01:28
If they are bad sanctions then they are basically traps
Jan 6, 2017 01:27
You can't break sanctions not placed
Jan 6, 2017 01:25
Also how is the Secretary Generals statement not evidence of Israel being given a disproportionate opportunity to break sanctions?
Jan 6, 2017 01:24
Please tell me how Israel has not had the opportunity to break 35 or 65 or 79 - or whatever number from that post you want to go with - sanctions, unless it's had a much larger number of sanctions applied to it then the other country in question.
Jan 6, 2017 01:17
@Sklivvz Are you making silly illogical remarks because it's the end of the day or what? Because multiple quotes in the very answer we are commenting on contradict your comment.
Dec 20, 2016 14:13
@MatthewWhited, yes, yes they are. But they generally Don't effect us here on are pretty little planet because of things like the magnetosphere and ozone and atmosphere and ect... Nuclear waste rockets blown apart by a strong solar storm would be much heavier, i.e. like an asteroid or a comet, and have the ability to pass through those things, and burn up in our atmosphere or crash back on earth, causing lots of radioactive contamination. That's the difference. They do occasionally though, like back in the 1850's when they knocked out the Telegraph.
Dec 16, 2016 07:11
I can't give you any advice on what financial system you should adopt. Honestly I don't think you need advice on that. The best advice I can provide you is to get a prenup agreement in place before you go through with this. It will make the separation later much easier.
Nov 3, 2016 10:44
It will absolutely be a loss for your son if you think about 'going it alone' and it will not be easier. My dad was far stricter then my mom and had a temper and short fuse to boot. I didn't think about him actually caring about me till my mid to late teens. But I came to realize he did, and he always had, and when I hit rock bottom years later and had to make the hardest decision I've ever made in my life, it was my dad that I called for advice not my mom. Don't rob your son of that.
Oct 31, 2016 07:45
You cannot know her intentions without being her. Neither can the FBI. The FBI are Cops they are investigators, it's not their job to discover intent, it's their job to investigate and ascertain facts. It is the Attorney Generals job to decide if there is a case and what intent there was and then decide whether or not to prosecute. If the FBI are still pursuing it then they have found new evidence which they think is important enough to investigate to make sure criminal activity didn't occur.
Oct 14, 2016 21:04
Anyways this is getting off topic.
Oct 14, 2016 21:04
@Dunk, at the younger ages my mom teaches at, I believe the effort she and others like her put in is necessary and beneficial. Having kids of my own now, I can say with certainty that I want them to have teachers like her in elementary school and not the types of teachers I had. And teaching method types do make a huge difference, so I have to disagree with you there, there is tons of research on that.
Oct 14, 2016 21:04
@JDługosz, But what makes said system be a teacher? It's sentient and self-actualized, what if it decides it wants to be a firefighter, or an airplane pilot? If it has the self-determination to be able to replace dedicated loving educators who are we to limit it's free-will? And at that point don't we need to pay it so it can maintain itself and won't it want to enjoy entertainment like we do? So won't it want breaks as well?
Oct 14, 2016 21:04
@JDługosz, if it is self-actualized and sentient, then it isn't an automaton, it's a living being however it got there, and we might as well just of kept someone like my mom on teaching, huh?
Oct 14, 2016 21:04
@JDługosz, my mom is an elementary school teacher and has been for 20 years, I suggest you have no idea what goes into that job. As a programmer, who happens to program AI's among other things, what she does in the classroom is orders of magnitude harder then anything else suggested on this page. And 10's of orders of magnitude harder then anything Watson from IBM has done.
Oct 10, 2016 20:59
@what, What does unemployment have to do with it? The 14% includes both those too young to work and those too old to work, as well as those that can't work, and those that refuse to work. The 5% unemployment is strictly a calculation of percent of population that wants to work but can't find jobs currently.
Oct 10, 2016 20:59
@what, excuse the pun, but what are you smoking? Census data from 1989 says poverty rate in USA was 14% (it was at 14% last year as well). Articles I can find from 1989 say 20% of Soviet citizens fell under poverty line, unless you go by "official" line for needs... which was calculated in the 1960's! And even the more acknowledged line of just 124$ a month per person in a family of 4 was just half! of what was determined as the poverty line in the USA. So if the poverty line were drawn equally in both countries the disparity would of been even greater!
Oct 10, 2016 20:52
@jamesqf, No it doesn't. Having just read it (again), no where does it say 'once' or 'only'. It simply states how He created this earth. It also states in Hebrews in the New Testament how Jesus "made the worlds", and "that the worlds were framed" (2, 11).
Oct 8, 2016 15:39
@Lumberjack, the second one isn't an assumption, it's a fact, obesity is a medical condition, that's why your doctor will tell you to lose weight. And it does cause health problems. Do a little research, it's estimated that in the USA obesity related health problems account for ~21% of medical spending. And they cost employers in the US billions in lost productivity.
Sep 19, 2016 23:40
Oh, and for all those wondering China is party to the Berne Convention which means that cracking software copywrited in any other country party to it, is Illegal. @AndrejaKo, @BaardKopperud, @rumtscho
Sep 19, 2016 22:18
And that's for 1.0 that doesn't include paying for the developers who will be kept on for months or years to maintain and update and fix any issues in that software.
Sep 19, 2016 22:16
Which means that if you add up the salaries for the developers, the artists, the project managers, most major software you see costs MILLIONS to make. So if Wolfram sells each license for $700 or even $1000 and it cost them $15 million (not out of the question at all) to make that means they have to sell between 15 and 21 thousand licenses before they break even, let alone make a profit
Sep 19, 2016 22:12
And you may think 'but you can sell it to hundreds of others' but guess what Most software you see takes 6+ months or more to make by several people. It's not something that gets whipped off the factory line.
Sep 19, 2016 22:09
I write software for a living, and you better believe that it takes a ton of effort, time, and money to do. So yea, I want to be compensated for what I do. So if you pirate my software, you are stealing from me, just like if I had made a car or bike to sell and you stole that.