am I missing something about the SE interface that sets the view on the main page. sometimes I get a "long view" that includes a summary. Sometimes I get "short view" that is more like a list.
that's a good idea. I seeded on my G+ RPG circles too. I have a number of Graphics friends there. I'm fair to middling myself, but I don't do it for a living.
@Problematic Eich is apologizing for what? Javascript is the most widely used Lambda language in use. It has some shortcomings, but it's not "awful"... Crockford's book Javascript:The Good Parts documents them pretty well.
@waxeagle JavaScript was introduced in Netscape Navigator as LiveScript. It is correct to note that the Java in JavaScript was a marketing effort designed to capitalize on Java's rise.
You are infused by the Winds of Magic. Gain +1 to your Magic characteristic and you may learn the Dark Magic Talent at any time for 100 xp. However, you no longer receive the benefit of disease resistance (see Children of the Gods pg. 8).