Jul 8, 2020 07:35
this will also be a very different solar system to ours iirc the sun is about a factor of 10 too small to go supernova
Jun 7, 2019 04:05
do biographic films count what about the Up series en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Up_(film_series)
Jun 7, 2019 04:05
@JohnGordon does Pepys count as a nobody though? he was chief secretary to the admiralty
Mar 29, 2019 22:23
it could be observed traveling at any speed < c depending on the relative velocity between it and the observer
Jan 31, 2019 10:53
most domestic cats will not hunt anything as big as a rat, rats can do them some serious damage and cats are all about the easy kill
Nov 26, 2018 16:29
@TimB focusing moonlight is irrelevant here as we are talking about focusing the suns light directly (not reflected off the moon) so we should be able to reach solar surface temperatures
Aug 2, 2018 08:26
Its also very hard to transmit or jam without revealing the location of your transmitter to the authories who should have the means to triangulate your location
Jun 8, 2018 13:26
pandoc can convert latex to word
Apr 5, 2017 03:15
initial impression is that 2mph is an incredibly fast burrow speed, so the battle may need to be subsurface
Oct 30, 2016 15:40
searching twitter clearly shows that, in colloquial English at least, depends on the phase of the moon, very much is in use. Which then raises the question, why is it not found in the corpuses?
Mar 9, 2016 02:17
It also means your type system must reject some correct programs