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Sep 6, 2013 13:15
@MattN Hi. I just read on Area51 that you've started to learn Polish. If you need help with that, I'd be happy to try. I think I should still get an email if you ping me here.

 Discussion between nixda and ymar

Imported from a comment discussion on
Jul 4, 2013 12:57
I've accepted your answer :)
Jul 4, 2013 12:57
Okay, now it just asks me if I want to save the changes, and when I do, the box remains in the state I've put it in. It didn't do that before the code change for some reason, and it always unticked itself. But maybe I don't have to understand why that happened. :) Thank you very much!
Jul 4, 2013 12:53
I didn't want to stay ticked.
Jul 4, 2013 12:52
The macro works now! My only question is whys that box was ticked after startup. That was my problem all that time earlier...
Jul 4, 2013 12:52
Okay, thank you. I'm sorry I'm at work, so I can't talk continuously, but I can keep this window open and post messages from time to time.
Jul 4, 2013 12:26
Will that numerical value be the same each time I run the macro? It's important for the macro to work wach time without midifications.
Jul 4, 2013 12:26
Okay, thank you. Now after startup (before running the macro), the box "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" is ticked. Is this what should happen?
Jul 4, 2013 12:26
I'm getting a "75 - Path/File access error" after replacing the lines...
Jul 4, 2013 12:26
The program stops after I press F8 with " MkDir (cTmpFld)" highlighted

 Discussion between nixda and ymar

Imported from a comment discussion on
Jul 2, 2013 20:22
@nixda Now there's no error message at all, and nothing seems to happen. Should I list the lines that actually do get highlighted? (Not all of them do.)
Jul 2, 2013 20:22
@nixda The error message appears after I press F8 with this line highlighted: "MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description".
Jul 2, 2013 20:22
@nixda The solution in the second link is to a different problem. Rules alone are not enough to print attachments automatically. They only allow to print messages.
Jul 2, 2013 20:22
@nixda As for the second question, yes a couple of times, mostly in this version, and nothing seemed to happen. But I didn't add any rules here -- I just ran the script as Diane Poremsky advises in her post.
Nov 9, 2012 22:50
OK, I think I'll go or I'll yawn my guts out. I'm really tired. See you some time later!
Nov 9, 2012 22:48
I don't really remember. :) I remember something was definitely wrong with it.
Nov 9, 2012 22:46
Just a couple of algorithms, and you had to pretend you're a computer and the piece of paper is a screen.
Nov 9, 2012 22:44
Of course. But then you don't actually have to do it. You just think of it. But the course was closer to accountancy than to mathematics. Matrix after matrix, eliminate this, augment that...
Nov 9, 2012 22:41
I started to hate Gaussian elimination when I took a linear programming course. It was so monotonous I couldn't bear it.
Nov 9, 2012 22:37
Oh, that's really weird.
Nov 9, 2012 22:36
Oh, so you had no LA in your first semester at university?
Nov 9, 2012 22:33
I don't understand. You are in your second year, right?
Nov 9, 2012 22:31
How many semesters of LA do you have to do?
Nov 9, 2012 22:30
Nov 9, 2012 22:28
Yes, that's how I read the proof, but it really doesn't matter at all.
Nov 9, 2012 22:26
Fair enough.
Nov 9, 2012 22:24
May I ask why you deleted your account, kan?
Nov 9, 2012 22:23
Then yes, I think you're right. I still think he structures the proof differently, but it doesn't make any difference. That's it.
Nov 9, 2012 22:21
I don't know what an erring row is.
Nov 9, 2012 22:19
Yes. :) If these two equations are equivalent, then r'=s', which is obvious.
Nov 9, 2012 22:16
Nov 9, 2012 22:15
no. These are two equivalent systems.
Nov 9, 2012 22:13
...that is simply x=r' and x=s'. These are equivalent only if r'=s'.
Nov 9, 2012 22:10
You can just as well omit them. But then you get $I_nx=r'$ and $I_nx=s'$.
Nov 9, 2012 22:09
They translate to 0=0 as equations.
Nov 9, 2012 22:09
Do you see that the zero rows don't matter?
Nov 9, 2012 22:05
No! We had a much more complicated situation then. Now the equations are as simple as they get.
Nov 9, 2012 22:03
@kan this
Nov 9, 2012 21:59
But this is clear, isn't it?
Nov 9, 2012 21:58
That if the two systems are equivalent, then r'=s'.
Nov 9, 2012 21:57
@kan we still need to show what you objected to originally.
Nov 9, 2012 21:53
@kan The outcome is always two new equivalent matrices.
Nov 9, 2012 21:52
@egreg He says this: R'= something or something else. The something else is a matrix in which the last column is dominant. But the last column in R' is by definition the first column in R in which R differs from S.
Nov 9, 2012 21:49
Anyway, I think we agree now that the systems of equations represented by R' and S' are equivalent.
Nov 9, 2012 21:47
@egreg yes, that's true. I think it's a bit of a moot point. He still considers the case where the first column in which they differ is dominant (these are the matrices to the right), but it's clearly impossible (and so he says).
Nov 9, 2012 21:37
(Only he doesn't say he doesn't remove any dominant columns -- a priori, he may remove some that are to the right of the first column in which the two matrices differ.)
Nov 9, 2012 21:36
Well that's true.
Nov 9, 2012 21:34
In general, if I have any two equivalent matrices A and B, in a reduced echelon form or not, if I delete the same columns in A and B, then the resulting matrices will still be equivalent.
Nov 9, 2012 21:32
This is what I was saying.
Nov 9, 2012 21:31
Yes, but this is not the problem. [1 2 2] is equivalent to [2 4 4]. I have to delete the same columns in the first and in the second. If I delete the first ones, I'll get [2 2] and [4 4] which are still equivalent.