
Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Jan 7, 2012 14:02
@t.b. thx
Jan 7, 2012 14:01
t.b. what is the main site?
Jan 7, 2012 13:55
I prefer to see the keys and slots as a "color". That way each square has x colors whose edges can be joined to each other as long as their color differentiates. Joining may happen planar or perpendicular. In a first step I want to build a cube whose 6 faces consist out of 6 squares. I want to know how many different edge colors I need when building a) an ordinary cube b) a cube in cube system like the rubic's cube (3x3x3). Can anybody give me a tipp where to start?
Jan 7, 2012 13:55
I'm a non-mathematican and non native speaker. I'm building kind of a wooden puzzle and got stuck. My problem is: I have squares whose 4 edges have x different key-and-slot-patterns. Each square looks the same. Now I can join different squares to each other as long as they don't share the same key-and-slot-pattern.
Jan 7, 2012 13:54
I've a graph theory (vertex coloring?) related PRACTICAL problem I cant' solve, no matter how hard I try. Is this the right place to ask?