Shadow Wizzard

 Thinking Out Loud

While users are lurking, turtles, trucks and improper methods ...
yst 20:56
@user430580 probably some mistake on Google side, but not something I can fight. Best is to accept it and move on, I do have email for work, and other ways of communication, so not all is lost.
yst 13:54
yst 13:54
בֻּלְבּוּל (שם מדעי: Pycnonotus) הוא סוג של ציפור שיר ממשפחת הבולבוליים החיים באפריקה, דרום אסיה ודרום-מזרח אסיה אך חלקם הופצו לאזורים נוספים. מקור השם בולבול מערבית, שם הוא משמש באותה הוראה ומקור שמו במלה הערבית ל"בועה" ומקור מים; משם הגיע אל הפרסית והטורקית במשמעות "זמיר" - ואכן הבולבול נודע בשירתו היפה. בסוג זה כ-40 מינים. == תיאור == הבולבולים חיים בלהקות קטנות ונמצאים יחדיו במשך רוב שעות היום. הם ניזונים בעיקר מחרקים, מפירות ומעלים. הנקבה בונה את קִנה בתוך סבך הצמחייה, ושם היא מטילה כ-3 ביצים בצבע סגלגל. גוזליה בוקעים עיוורים וללא נוצות. בישראל נפוץ מאוד המין בולבול צהוב-שת (הקרוי גם בולבול...
yst 13:54
Well it's a bird, of course.
yst 13:54
yst 13:54
/convert what is "bulbul" in Hebrew?
yst 13:53
/convert bul+bul
yst 13:53
yay (of course it's total nonsense. ;))
yst 13:52
/convert what is teleפלא?
yst 13:52
yst 13:52
yst 13:51
(or Telekilo)
yst 13:51
(or Telegram)
yst 13:51
@PetəíŕdtheWizard when you'll have Discord you can message me there as well. ;)
yst 13:50
Telegram I'll give and delete if you want.
yst 13:50
in Wizards Den on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Jun 3, 2023 at 10:40, by Shadow The Spring Wizard
Oh totally forgot! @Pet my Discord id is yahavbr#4895
yst 13:50
ah well my Discord is already public. ;)
yst 13:47
Alternative way is something like Discord or Telegram, if you want I can give my username there and we can chat in private over one of those. (while better not public, writing then deleting here would be private enough for me. ;)) @user430580
yst 13:46
@user430580 sadly I have lost access to my email, so can't use it for dots anymore. If you want, we can use the Crypto mechanism of @Pet to send pixels to each other, with our own key, but keep in mind that since Peter is the one who'll give that key, he'll also be able to see our pixels. If you want, let me (and @Pet) know, and if you don't want it's fair as well of course. :)
yst 09:40
yst 09:39
/help imagine
yst 09:35
yst 09:35
/imagine single creature with three heads: one head is of a chicken, second head is of a cat, and third head is of a dog. Each head is also wearing a hat.
yst 08:41
yst 08:41
/convert two thorns mourn for a lost horn. Give five possible ways what happened to the poor horn.
yst 08:40
still this goat stuff? :D
yst 08:32
> What he cannot spell right, apparently, is his job description, because he has WIZZARD written in large letters on his pointy hat. The reason for this incompetence lies within an incident where he opened the Octavo and one of the great eight spells of the creator jumped out and settled down in his brain. This spell frightened off any other spells which Rincewind tried to learn.
yst 08:31
Well, it's described pretty good in this wiki. @user430580
yst 08:30
Well AI is useless, that's not new.
yst 08:29
yst 08:29
/convert in which books does the "Wizzard", with double "z" being used?
yst 08:28
yst 08:28
/convert what is the reference for the word "wizzard"?
yst 08:28
@PetəíŕdtheWizard ah yep, right on spot! :D
yst 08:28
@user430580 the wizzard is reference to series of books, let's see if our dear AI knows it...
yst 08:27
(I don't dislike it, but don't like it either)
yst 08:27
@user430580 actually not really, I had the "rizz" only because some silly chat invite which I already forgot. Now after the profile change it's not in there anymore. ;)
Sat 19:21
I could e.g. change to "Shadow The Discworld Wizard" as well with about same final result.
Sat 19:19
@PetəíŕdtheWizard sure, but every letter matters a lot, and "wizzard" makes it to become something associated with certain series of books. Taking other user as example, let me think... it would be e.g. like @RyderRude would rename to @RiderRude - one letter, but total change of meaning. :-)
Sat 17:37
(aka whole profile changed ;))
Sat 17:37
@user430580 name, avatar, and About Me. ;)
Sat 17:06

 Petəíŕd's Den

While wizards are lurking, ancient spells and new users are on...
yst 19:23
@PetəíŕdtheWizard I don't think so... :D
yst 13:57
going to SPA
yst 13:57
> חבילת יום הולדת 🎈 במלון Herods תל אביב זוגי 45 דקות / 4. 🍳 ארוחת בוקר זוגית מפנקת
תאריך: 2.3.2025
שעה: 9:00
yst 13:57
oh, BTW:
Sat 19:22
/convert 1111111236785 days to years.
Sat 16:58
~ lol
Sat 16:58
Sat 16:58