Sep 8, 2020 05:50
"if students miss 2 or more classes, they will automatically fail the course" -- what kind of dystopian nightmare is this? Please drop that requirement and treat your students with respect. They still can fail the test.
Jan 19, 2018 17:05
@GGx In regards of getting guilt-tripped by parents, I once literally told my mother: "I perceive your request as emotional blackmail. Please don't do that. I am thankful for what you done, and I am open for your wishes. Yet please do understand and accept the fact that I might say 'no' to some them. If that continues to be a problem, I won't even be listening to them anymore." She was doing a lot of "If you loved me you would do X for me. I did Y for you, why can't you do X." in the past and was disappointed when I didn't do X, even though I never committed to it. It got better.
Jan 19, 2018 17:05
@GGx Learned behavior. You have to make a conscious effort to un-learn it and deal with the backlash. Esp. if other people are used to getting their way. Yet it's your responsibility to set boundaries and enforce them. My father to this day does not comprehend why I won't answer his calls right away. I always call him back on my time somewhen in the evening or even days later. I also made it clear that's the way I communicate. Or I won't, at all. Don't feel bad about it. You don't owe anyone anything and how you spent your time is your prerogative.
Jan 19, 2018 17:05
Nobody is forcing you to answer the phone and go to the door if someone comes unannounced. My phone is often silent during my work-period, sometimes even in airplane mode to avoid distractions.
Nov 10, 2015 16:34
have a good one!
Nov 10, 2015 16:34
or shall I relogin? :D
Nov 10, 2015 16:33
@JacobVlijm so the index seems a bit strange
Nov 10, 2015 16:33
3 is the right
Nov 10, 2015 16:33
2 is the middle
Nov 10, 2015 16:33
0 is the middle
1 is the left
Nov 10, 2015 16:33
it totally odd how the indexes are applied
Nov 10, 2015 16:32
Nov 10, 2015 16:31
ah no
Nov 10, 2015 16:23
$ xdotool -v
xdotool version 3.20140217.1
Nov 10, 2015 16:23
yes, it is :)
Nov 10, 2015 16:21
@JacobVlijm it still only prints numbers but no actual movement takes place
Nov 10, 2015 16:08
the numbers seems solid, it just prints them, it does not move the window around

philipp@fluttershy:~$ dotfiles/multimonitor/ 1
[0, 1920, 3840]
['wmctrl', '-ir', '0x02c00004', '-e', '0,0,56,1920,1052']
['xdotool', 'windowmove', '0x02c00004', '0', '56']
philipp@fluttershy:~$ dotfiles/multimonitor/ 2
[0, 1920, 3840]
['wmctrl', '-ir', '0x02c00004', '-e', '0,1920,56,1920,1052']
['xdotool', 'windowmove', '0x02c00004', '1920', '56']
philipp@fluttershy:~$ dotfiles/multimonitor/ 3
Nov 10, 2015 16:05
this is awesome =)
Nov 10, 2015 15:54
just did a logout, issues prevails
Nov 10, 2015 15:52
i'm on gnome shell, yet no, i did not log out
Nov 10, 2015 15:51
2 sometimes then toggles between 1 and 2
Nov 10, 2015 15:51
and after that it becomes weird
Nov 10, 2015 15:51
yet the switch from 3 to 1 fails
Nov 10, 2015 15:51
the first movement from 1, 2, 3, works
Nov 10, 2015 15:50
Nov 10, 2015 15:50
it happens after multiple usages
Nov 10, 2015 15:50
I will post a link showcasing the behavior
Nov 10, 2015 15:48
@JacobVlijm I have repeated the buggy behavior
Nov 10, 2015 15:47
When using it from command line it works pretty well, yet when assigning shortcuts there is still some glitchy behaviour. I have mapped the indexes the super+1, super+2, super+3; yet it jumps not consistently, and repeating the shortcut toggles the movement between to screens. Have not yet discovered a pattern
Nov 10, 2015 15:47
Wait a second, it just switched back to 1 based 0.o Is the way the index is determined realiable?
Nov 10, 2015 15:47
Yes, it solves it, only difference is that the monitors are now 0-indexed instead of starting by 1.
Nov 10, 2015 15:47
You got all the time in the world ;) Thanks alot!
Nov 10, 2015 15:47
Here's a gif showcasing the weird behavior:
Nov 10, 2015 15:47
This does not work quite as excpected. Some index numbers do not seem to identfy a specific window, but toggle between two monitors. Furthermore, there is no difference between running with index 2 and 3, the monitor stays on the same monitor.
Nov 1, 2015 15:05
Very relevant to this topic:
Nov 1, 2015 15:05
@wil93 You are hasing a salted password, hence you would need the password to generate the hash. Since you don't store the plain text password but only the salt and the salted hash, you don't have the plain text password. The website owner can reset the password of course at any time and gain access that way, yet that is not the point. Making it hard to get the plain text password is. If it is hard for yourself, then you are doing it right. (That's why good encryption site never send you your password, but a link to change your password.)