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Aug 21, 2018 18:39
How do I determine if a fixed point $(x_0, y_0)$ is repelling or attracting for a 2D-map $F : R^2 \to R^2$ with $F(x, y) = (f(x, y), g(x, y))$?
Aug 12, 2018 19:51
How is the Lyapunov Exponent calculated if the starting point determines if the iteration is chaotic? New problems with…
Aug 12, 2018 18:56
and if the point is in one of those cycles it can't escape
Aug 12, 2018 18:55
This is very intersting as there are four points one might land with a random starting point
Aug 12, 2018 18:55
at 0:24 the chaos starts
Aug 12, 2018 18:50
This time the bifurcation is much more visible, got a good set of parameters:
Aug 9, 2018 20:40
Funny, are there so many people from Germany here? Or do I just think that because there was a lot of talk in this chat about it lately?
Ich meine, ich bin ja selber auch aus Deutschland, deswegen frage ich mich das gerade. Könnte auch confirmation bias sein, also naja.
Aug 9, 2018 15:27
But I won't dive into that now
Aug 9, 2018 15:27
@Secret On that site you've linked there's a lot more interseting stuff I didn't know. Thanks for sharing. Now I'm kinda interested how coloring periodic points would look with King's Dream fractal
Aug 9, 2018 15:17
what exactly are those saddle point bifurcations though?
Aug 9, 2018 15:17
hmm, that's interesting.
Aug 9, 2018 15:15
in the logistic map, is every a smaller than 4 just making a cycle (but with a crazy high period) or is there actual chaos for a < 4?
Aug 9, 2018 15:13
Aug 9, 2018 14:58
I use the line for seven and z actually
Aug 9, 2018 14:45
How do you write one and seven?
Aug 9, 2018 14:43
but I know some people write one like a line and seven without the line in the middle
Aug 9, 2018 14:42
I write numbers like this
Aug 9, 2018 14:42
Aug 9, 2018 14:37
I always start at the top and go left...
Aug 8, 2018 19:47
Okay, it's really not meant to be
Aug 8, 2018 19:46
Aug 8, 2018 19:42
as it turns out, processing is actually pretty bad with doubles, many build-in function don't work with it.
Aug 8, 2018 19:21
@Secret What range are you viewing in the logistic map? It seems more like a problem with map(), because map() outputs float.
Aug 8, 2018 05:01
Just x probably
Aug 8, 2018 05:01
Probably a doesn't even need to be double
Aug 8, 2018 05:00
Yeah, you can just modify the code you already have. You see what I replaced with doubles. Remember that map() requires a float, so convert it.
Aug 8, 2018 04:57
Now it's nice and crispy again
Aug 8, 2018 04:57
Aug 8, 2018 04:57
@Secret It's actually the type float. It's not very accurate, using double is better when doing such high close-ups
Aug 7, 2018 20:22
Here is an animated Lyapunov map
Aug 7, 2018 20:22
Aug 7, 2018 20:22
Whoa @Secret is that the logistic map? Why does it look so fuzzy?
Aug 5, 2018 19:20
Does anyone know how to calculate lyapunov exponents for a given 2D map with equations for x and y? Like actually calculate. I don't get this on wiki:
$$\displaystyle \Lambda =\lim _{t\rightarrow \infty }{\frac {1}{2t}}\log(Y(t)Y^{T}(t))$$
No idea what that's even supposed to mean or how I calculate it for a certain map...
Aug 5, 2018 19:08
Aug 5, 2018 19:07
I really don't like it when people write just log, if they mean base 10, why don't they write lg, and when they mean base e, why don't they write ln?
Aug 5, 2018 17:12
no problem, I hope my explanation helped you kind of
Aug 5, 2018 17:10
hmmm, I can't really see a function there that could have fixed points, but networks, graphs and such stuff are things I know absolutly nothing about, so yeah idk
Aug 5, 2018 16:58
because there the output of the function is equal to the input, so badabing, a fixed point
Aug 5, 2018 16:56
All points of the function that intersect with y = x are fixed points
Aug 7, 2018 20:54
aaaaaaand now the pictures are back. Whatever.
Aug 7, 2018 20:50
This will print the same, but since it uses juicy double precision, there is no weird stuff going on
Aug 7, 2018 20:49
float i;
int x2;
double x, a;

void setup() {
size(1500, 800);
i = 0;

void draw() {
a = map(i, 0, 1500, 3.5698, 3.57);
x = random(0, 1);
for (int j = 0; j < 20000; j++) {
x = a * x * (1 - x);
x2 = int(map((float)x, 0.8907, 0.8912, height, 0));
if (j > 18000 && x2 >= 0 && x2 <= height) {
set(int(i), x2, color(255));
if (i > 1500) {delay(100000);}
Aug 7, 2018 20:49
Then like this:
Aug 7, 2018 20:47
Aug 7, 2018 20:46
the hell why do the pictures fail
Aug 7, 2018 20:46
Aug 7, 2018 20:45
Aug 7, 2018 20:44
Float-point precision sucks
Aug 7, 2018 20:44
And the solution is pretty simple
Aug 7, 2018 20:44
I wondered why the picture you shared looked so fuzzy