May 18, 2018 15:01
@Ryan @Ryan "I already feel at times like I'm the last person here trying to keep things open" take heart: there are at least two of us, and probably many friendly quiet people who feel the same
May 14, 2018 19:07
I am in Africa and very often off-desk, running a very rich and multi-job project. Internet and electricity often in-and-out.

I come here only to find answers (which I appreciate a lot) and try to give back a little with my humble experience. But the spammers would love a moderator who only comes around every few days or weeks...
May 14, 2018 19:01
In my world, people do not nominate themselves. I am rather new here, so absolutely cannot be a canditate. I have liked several of your contributions.

And the fact that you "are not sure" about being moderator material, is in my perspective something positive. We do not need forum-Nazis here, this seems a rather civilized place to mee. Far too much stuff (for example on Wikipedia) gets over-moderated - but we got powerful search tools. So even with some poor questions or some poor answers, we can still find what we need.
May 9, 2018 17:24
Why can I only nominate myself please? I would like to nominate Billy, because he is my hero here at Graphic Design thingy:
Jun 16, 2017 10:06
If this were just "please find me a font" I would not like it, but the challenge of "the O in isolation telling about its identity" got my interest. Luckily I am not a typeface designer.