
Oct 29, 2019 03:31
@DavePhD The article linked in the question says these are scientists and researchers, and heavily implies that they are climate scientists. The letter you linked does not say this. Your answer needs to make this discrepancy clear.
Sep 28, 2019 14:33
@DenisS I am typing up an answer along those same lines. Where did you get the rough equivalence to 93?
Oct 15, 2017 10:47
Your question might be better asked on Space.SE, a StackExchange site about space exploration.
Oct 15, 2017 10:47
Hello and welcome to Skeptics.SE. Your questions are interesting ones, but here at Skeptics.SE we only answer questions that have a notable claim, something someone important has claimed to be true. Many people have said many things about the moon landing, and how it might have been fake. If you find the claims that inspired your question, and quote them here, we can answer your question.
Sep 2, 2017 04:30
@Beofett I am a southerner and a liberal. I have been aware of and sympathetic to the SPLC for a long time, but I also know that it leans hard to the political left. Replacing mention of the SPLC with a more neutral source would help this answer's credibility.
Jul 11, 2017 19:36
Jul 11, 2017 19:28
@Fredsbend Can you suggest an edit?
Jul 11, 2017 19:20
I am considering the migration to Biology. I assume the people there have more subject area knowledge.
Jul 11, 2017 19:19
This is a far more specific claim of accuracy than many other questions on this site. The quote also implies that they make claims about accuracy and confidence intervals in their results.
Jul 11, 2017 19:18
23andMe claims, "Ancestry percentages to the 0.1%: We provide estimates of your ancestry percentages down to the 0.1%, and we also give you the option to explore results with different confidence levels"
Jul 11, 2017 19:16
The way I see it, fredsbend is starting to answer a little bit. If he could find sources and link them together into conclusions, he might have something.
Jul 11, 2017 14:51
@Oddthinking 1. I tried to narrow the claims I am asking about down enough to ask a specific question, but not ask a question that is so narrow that it is worthless. I included some of the findings from research I had already done as context, but I think those might have just muddied the waters.

2. I was also concerned about what you are talking about with the Icelandic guy. I have not seen one shred of evidence that that doesn't happen. Some articles I have read suggest that there is some noise in their data that may cause things like that.
May 12, 2017 15:58
@JDoe That sounds like the start to a great answer. Please use comments to improve the question.
May 5, 2017 01:13
@Schwern Technical ceramics are incredibly strong. Here is an Ashby chart, which lists most materials available to modern engineers. Ceramics are stronger than most steels.
Apr 28, 2017 13:03
The physics of resonance for a complex shape are very different from the physics for a simple string. I think your simple calculation is just straight up wrong.
Apr 17, 2017 17:47
It was cloudy, but three people got sunburns?
Apr 11, 2017 18:45
This site is not a typical left wing narrative. You can't justify snark by saying that other people are snarky.
Apr 11, 2017 18:45
You should probably answer this to avoid excessive snark, particularly #1.
Mar 29, 2017 15:45
@Yakk. I got that. I was looking for creatures with CR in the mid 20s that are not COMPLETELY immune to mid level characters. I don't want the players to feel like there is nothing they can do against this thing, but I want it to be crystal clear that they cannot take it on alone. Your comment reminded me that certain monster abilities eliminate that possibility.
Mar 29, 2017 15:45
@Yakk I have to be careful not to pick a monster that can cast that.
Mar 29, 2017 15:45
@BgrWorker I am tired of everything always revolving around the PCs. The conflict in the actual module will be how to deal with an enormous monster that the party really cannot deal with. If no one in the entire world can deal with the monster, the whole story seems pointless.
Mar 29, 2017 15:45
@KRyan I tried to keep my question concise. Which turned out a little unfair to your answer. Sorry.
Mar 29, 2017 15:45
This is an ironclad solution, but it requires me to change the world a little too much. This story requires an enormous monster, which requires people to exist who can defeat that monster.