Jul 1, 2021 02:27
I'm also curious about the temperature differential; the air goes into the portal at whatever temp, based on where / how high the portal is. But there's going to be some compression at the portal which equals heat...
Jun 18, 2021 14:37
Looking through most of recorded history, I don't see many instances of humanity needing something so trivial as a REASON to go out and expend great effort for kill things. Especially if you look at European/American history. Or as some of my distant cousins from Tennessee might say: "Them's good eatin'!"
Dec 19, 2020 01:15
Archivists consider microfilm/microfiche the longest lived storage media. If the world freezes, even books might outlast digital media.
Jul 11, 2019 16:43
Many fringe cases come to mind. Restraining someone who's about to do something they don't realize will cause harm? What about self-harm? Is the spell countered by any form of mental illness or psychological damage? What about those under the influence of various drugs (or are drugs ended due to self-harm restrictions?)?
May 3, 2019 05:07
your numbers for drivers/pilots/train conductors isn't realistic numbering. 1 in 1000 of the POPULATION isn't 1 in 1000 of the very limited number of people driving/flying/moving at that moment globally. In 2016, were an average of 9,728 planes — carrying 1,270,406 people — in the sky at any given time...
Feb 20, 2019 14:06
@BlakeRivell are the product owners dependent on the project, or are product owners separate from the projects?
Feb 14, 2019 16:32
Okay, I just rewrote my post. See if that's where you want to get to?
Feb 14, 2019 16:19
give me a minute, I'm trying to rework my example code...
Feb 14, 2019 16:18
No, haven't used Entity Framework.
Feb 14, 2019 16:17
Ok. So a Project has Owner(s).
A Product has Project(s).

We need a different title/label/something for the people and their role. Do people own projects? Do they own products? Do they manage projects and own products?

That will determine what we call this link.
Feb 14, 2019 16:16
I see now what you're getting at.
Feb 14, 2019 16:15
AH, okay. THAT's the part I didn't grasp from your original post... That WITHIN a project, the products may not be linked to all of the owners associated with that project.
Feb 14, 2019 16:13
You don't need that link.
Feb 14, 2019 16:13
You have to traverse several tables to get there (projects, products, and owners, plus the two linking tables between projects and the other two tables) but that forms your links.
Feb 14, 2019 16:13
The project is what links the owners with the products.
Feb 14, 2019 16:12
Right, with you so far.
Feb 14, 2019 16:12
Sure. I showed a query that says "for each product, give me all of the owners..." that same query can be reversed to say "for an owner, give me all the products" So I guess I'm not understanding what's missing?
Feb 14, 2019 16:11
I don't see where there needs to be an explicit declaration linking the product to the owner, because they are linked via the projects that both are associated with.
Feb 14, 2019 16:11
Does my re-write explain better?
Feb 14, 2019 16:11
The ProjectOwner table shows who is connected to which projects. I don't see what's missing? If you need to mark one of the owners as the manager, then add a 3rd column to ProjectOwner {IsManager bit default 0}.
Aug 27, 2018 20:47
I was thinking of possible answers in my head, right up until one of the requirements was to end the universe. That' far beyond human capacity as to remove any real-world scenarios from the table.
Jun 26, 2018 03:25
I once ran a D&D game where someone wished for "all the gold" in a massive dungeon. It arrived. And buried the character. The rest of the party ran for their lives and managed to escape.
Jun 24, 2018 04:37
So, continents sink, earthquakes rip apart the land, tsunamis, dogs and cats living together, your typical end-of-the-world stuff...?

 Tarot Magic

Discussing using Tarot for an RPG's magic system
Oct 20, 2017 13:38
Hope it helps!
Oct 20, 2017 13:13
Oct 20, 2017 13:12
(I played it a few times back in the day, but not in a long time)
Oct 20, 2017 13:12
This is done by trying to make a good poker hand. I think the more powerful your spellcasting abilities, the more cards you can draw/discard to make your poker hand.
Oct 20, 2017 13:11
The rules are dice-based, EXCEPT for spellcasters, who use poker cards to cast spells.
Oct 20, 2017 13:11
It's a setting that combines westerns (the movies, not the real-world) with horror/magic/steam punk. It's set around the time of the civil war or just after. Magic suddenly comes back to the world.
Oct 20, 2017 13:06
Have you ever looked at Deadlands RPG?
Oct 20, 2017 13:05
And the more opportunities for any rules-lawyering players to get upset. :)
Oct 20, 2017 13:05
The more flexible your system, the more work it takes for the GM to manage.
Oct 20, 2017 13:04
SPELLS in specific, were complex things that combined at least 3 of the powers on that chart.... magic was hard, and never done lightly.
Oct 20, 2017 13:04
The magic system we had was complex, but not because of the cards. We divided supernatural "things" into six categories, based on what they did. And then further into 5 or six tiers based on how strong they were. ALL supernatural powers fell somewhere on that table, so a vampire might know about one or two columns, and have access to just specific tiers based on power level...
Oct 20, 2017 13:01
Which is why we scrapped all that and just used the cards for a pass/fail system. We only had to do an interpretation on the major arcana, a small subset of the deck, and then only in special cases.
Oct 20, 2017 13:01
Your GM ends up having to learn the cards, and the card places, and then factor all that together to adjudicate the outcome of that round's action.
Oct 20, 2017 13:00
Too many variables.
Oct 20, 2017 13:00
Because that kind of Tarot use assigns meaning to the cards and to where they land in the pattern because each card location means something specific.
Oct 20, 2017 12:59
But what we found in playtesting for the above system was that doing standard Tarot draws ("the cross" or whatever) took too long for round-by-round roleplaying.
Oct 20, 2017 12:59
There are tons of books for Tarot, focused on using them for divination. I own a couple. The web has some stuff, too.
Oct 20, 2017 12:59
Oct 20, 2017 12:54
So what's the goal for your system? Why Tarot?
Oct 20, 2017 12:53
Or escape some evil we could never contain.
Oct 20, 2017 12:52
We also had games where the players had to try to contain some great evil (like Call of Cthulhu).
Oct 20, 2017 12:52
Our favorite game sessions tended to be what we came to call "awakening" sessions. Where we began the game believing we were humans, but ended the game realizing we weren't human at all. Discovering that we had died and become ghosts, or vampires, or... Those tended to be the most interesting games.
Oct 20, 2017 12:50
We argued internally about that death spiral, but in a horror system, it made sense.
Oct 20, 2017 12:49
So you didn't mess around in fights.
Oct 20, 2017 12:49
At the next tier, you picked up injuries that required treatment or long healing over time/magic to fix (broken bones). At 3rd tier, the injuries could be life threatening over time (internal bleeding). At 4th, permanent (losing a hand in a sword fight, for instance).
Oct 20, 2017 12:49
Combat was more deadly, too. Taking damage wasn't just ignorable like in D&D. We had 4 tiers of damage. If your HP dropped from the highest to the 2nd highest tier, you took temporary negatives (sustained injuries that made you less combat effective).
Oct 20, 2017 12:45
But I wouldn't want to try to run a D&D dungeon crawl style of game with the rules we had