Jason Patterson

Jul 19, 2024 01:41
@Barmar This change is because of news exposure but it's a very intentional, political news exposure. Government and then most news media have intentionally switched from a more Russian pronunciation to a more Ukrainian pronunciation.
Apr 25, 2024 16:29
@AgniusVasiliauskas 1) Department head is paid to do these things. If a conflict of interest complaint were made, it would definitely involve the head. 2) Someone can always complain about anything. The lease isn't an issue unless the terms were favorable to the student for some reason. Find comparable kitchens and cite their prices and the kitchen sale becomes a non-issue.
Apr 25, 2024 14:39
If you've ever been in a lawyer's office, you will have seen that they very, very often hang their diplomas on the wall. I would not pay for the services of the king of the rats.
Mar 26, 2024 16:54
In the US, prior to the recent explosion in asking for tips, it was considered rude to tip the owner of a business.
Dec 2, 2023 13:26
@AmericanMoon That's fair enough, though he specifically said that not defending would be done with the intent to harm the department by withholding $100k. That said, if you're arguing the semantics of whether or not you committed sabotage on your university during a job interview...that's not a place you want to find yourself.
Nov 30, 2023 11:18
You have been very mistreated, and I believe you. Is the nature of the mistreatment significant enough that it genuinely needs to be reported as some form of abuse or harassment? It doesn't sound like it from the post or what I've read here. If not, then I would finish my PhD and never breathe a word of having posted this or considered this plan. As an employer I would never in a million years consider a candidate who handles negative interpersonal interactions via attempted sabotage.
Sep 26, 2023 20:56
The difficulty with answering this question is the difference between any sensible math department (no, you don't need to learn it but it wouldn't hurt to start) and some particular unpleasant tenured professor who absolutely doesn't care about teaching. If you draw that unlucky card, it's an experience. And those people do exist.